View attachment 27332 2014-12-06 10.01.txt this is the logfil for the bosses in highmaul 1-6 bosses... this is my first time uploading a log i hope im doing it right. and this 2nd log is for the last boss.View attachment 15668 2014-12-06 10.45.txt
gonna try this out! thanks for the help Tom you da manI see a few of you having problems. Many of us are getting Top Trash / Boss DPS.
Make sure you have the right Talents and Glyphs. You need Cleave, Resonating Power and 120.
Gladi Warrior World 70 progress in Highmaul.
He is one of the top 10 best Gladi Warri´s in Warcraftlogs
Think this is not bad routine
For other People dont stream with chat "Stormbolt is addes to Castingqoue"
+Can you show your Talents and Glyphs m8, and whats your ilvl
Highmaul Endboss hc
t1 mid for more charges
t2 left best heal cd
t3 right best dd talent after nerf
t4 right (for this fight)
t5 right (for tanks cd)
t6 mid best dd talent
t7 gladi
ilvl 651
i used t4 only by the add for cleave
Glyph cleave, 15 rage per charge, 6% bonus dmg by kick
hope i can help
25k dps +
Would still like to know why my bot stops its rotation most of the time... this i happening both tanking and dps'ing
Would still like to know why my bot stops its rotation most of the time... this i happening both tanking and dps'ing
Highmaul Endboss hc
t1 mid for more charges
t2 left best heal cd
t3 right best dd talent after nerf
t4 right (for this fight)
t5 right (for tanks cd)
t6 mid best dd talent
t7 gladi
ilvl 651
i used t4 only by the add for cleave
Glyph cleave, 15 rage per charge, 6% bonus dmg by kick
hope i can help
25k dps +