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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

View attachment 148995

ok this log i literally just started the bot, targetted my mate, then after it popped cooldowns i targetted a ret pala and then we killed warbringer and then i stopped bot :)
Yep thanks, confirmed. Will investigate - Might be a issue with Honorbuddy itself.

Hey nomnomnom,

I haved buyed your routine this morning and i was logging on my warrior and i loaded your routine but i can't press the srtart butten and i have your trail version eneble,

imgur: the simple image sharer

get this error

imgur: the simple image sharer

But what do i wrong
Can you post a logfile from Honorbuddy please?

link dps metters @ logs @ config or STFU with this
Digging up old posts eh?
Just curious, should the routine be using Strombolt on cooldown? Last night on mythic garrosh I found myself firing it off manually because it seemed to be going off pretty rarely. I was under the impression using it on cooldown was ideal.

Other than the aforementioned, what is the difference between normal and development rotation at the moment? Are they the same?

Last question. If you change talents on the fly (between pulls for example) does the routine auto update or do u need to stop/start/restart honorbuddy?

Oh! Also I recall this feature being in singular as was curious if we could get it in fury unleashed somehow?

The ability to manually use abilities during the rotation. At present you can turbo mash the key and hope to get it off but I recall a feature where you could even designate a time to stop the routine when a key is pressed and it would resume it milliseconds later. This would be pretty beneficial in particular situations I reckon.

One more and I think I'm done for now :p. Hotkey settings. I've had some trouble getting the AE on/off hot key to work and it could be my config but it's more likely that hot keys won't work if you play in full screen mode? I use quad SLI so I have little choice to do so until nvidia deems full screen windowed worthy of SLi (their are no technological limitations - purely software).

Ok now I'll leave you alone :)
View attachment 148929

OK. so i have had this problem ever since i started the trial and thinking it was just the trial but i just paid for FU2 and still persist. The Gui for the class config is messed up but only the left pane where you select your spec and settings. picture attached.

I get this too, I belive I did mess with font sizes after I got a bigger monitor as it all looked too small. I just assumed the GUI needed fixing but was a low prio so didn't mention it.
I get this too, I belive I did mess with font sizes after I got a bigger monitor as it all looked too small. I just assumed the GUI needed fixing but was a low prio so didn't mention it.

Same, the lines run together. I assume he is aware however.
Nomnomnom i ran into this issue before with a app i am developing at work. your Gui scaling is it font dpi by default.
changed tallents got
Bot stopping! Reason: Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
bei Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 )
bei FUPremium.Root.**‎‪*​​‏​‬‬​‫*‏​‪‎‬​‎*
*​***‎‏‎**(WoWPlayer )
bei FUPremium.Root.HookBehaviors(Boolean reinitialized) - Triggered by Exception in HookBehaviors()
would it be possible to add a "face target" option? millz has one in his warlock routine and it would be really nice to have when im playing prot
No one have look a issue with Bladestorm? Not pop Bladestorm right away when 3 mobs are in range...even if set as "always"
Got a question for warriors that use this in general. I haven't been keeping up with the latest and greatest spec/talents for warriors lately. Anyone have some suggestions to get the best numbers for us warriors at the moment? Arms? Fury? T3/T4/T6 Talent choices? Any guidance would be appreciated. This would be with using this CR obviously, has anyone done extensive testing or any testing to figure out what our best way to go is?
There is really no point right now since the new expansion is coming out with in a few weeks. Once you get to level 100 then come back and I think all of us will have the same questions then
No one have look a issue with Bladestorm? Not pop Bladestorm right away when 3 mobs are in range...even if set as "always"
Yeah I had to add it to a hotkey and start running it when i wanted it because of that.
Got a question for warriors that use this in general. I haven't been keeping up with the latest and greatest spec/talents for warriors lately. Anyone have some suggestions to get the best numbers for us warriors at the moment? Arms? Fury? T3/T4/T6 Talent choices? Any guidance would be appreciated. This would be with using this CR obviously, has anyone done extensive testing or any testing to figure out what our best way to go is?
This is completely dependent on gear. 1000%.
Yeah I had to add it to a hotkey and start running it when i wanted it because of that.

seems the same for stormbolt, as i posted 2 pages back one of the issues im having is it seems to just hang out sometimes for 30 seconds or better off cooldown. I end up having to spam/click it myself (wish the routine had the ability to stop the rotation for xx miliseconds when u click a hotkey) but thats another issue entirely :P
Having some troubles here... it's only using dragons roar, col. smash and mortal strike on arms when testing on an attack dummy... any idea why?
seems the same for stormbolt, as i posted 2 pages back one of the issues im having is it seems to just hang out sometimes for 30 seconds or better off cooldown. I end up having to spam/click it myself (wish the routine had the ability to stop the rotation for xx miliseconds when u click a hotkey) but thats another issue entirely :P
I really need more info - What spec/situation/setting etc - Post a logfile please.

Having some troubles here... it's only using dragons roar, col. smash and mortal strike on arms when testing on an attack dummy... any idea why?
Post a logfile please - As this is unintended behavior I really need a logfile to determine the issue.

No one have look a issue with Bladestorm? Not pop Bladestorm right away when 3 mobs are in range...even if set as "always"
Yeah I had to add it to a hotkey and start running it when i wanted it because of that.
Bladestorm Priority will be different in Fury in next push.

would it be possible to add a "face target" option? millz has one in his warlock routine and it would be really nice to have when im playing prot
Will add to the feature request list.

changed tallents got
Yeah issues with the talentmanager - Will fix them soon.