Something that would be really neat to have implemented (if even possible) is maybe a template setting for each boss. Now that you have a nice GUI interface Nomnomnom, it would be cool to have another tab called "Boss settings" where we could save a template of our settings for each boss. This way instead of having to go in each boss and change T4/T6 settings for single/AOE, change if we want interupts, etc. we could just click on the Boss tab, click on the settings we have saved for a particular boss and BAMM, you click save/close and we're ready to go. Granted we'd still be responsible for spec/glyph changes but this would make it very quick to change routine settings. I'd be happy to talk to you about it more if that's something you'd even consider. I'm sure it's a huge project to implement, but just thought I'd share that idea with you.
Thanks again for all the hard work!
You can save a profile for each boss. (Save to file -> give different name for each boss/settings)
Some autoload settings for each would be neat. If you target Boss is loads a defined profile.