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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

So I've got the premium running on a target dummy and there's at least one issue right off the bat. It seems to be using stormbolt on cooldown which is no longer optimal. Stormbolt kinda sucks in its current form, and should only be used when you are out of other options. For example if BT is on cooldown and you don't have enough rage to wild strike, only THEN would you use stormbolt. It's basically a last resort if you have nothing else to cast. Casting it on CD like it is currently is a dps loss. Bloodthirst, Raging Blow and Wild Strike are all a WAY higher priority than storm bolt assuming you have rage to use them.

For now I just have it shut off, but you may want to adjust the logic. After running on two dummies for a total of 10-mil damage, shutting stormbolt off gave me an increase of about 5.4% over the current logic. I imagine it would be more if it was simply used in the proper priority.
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m8 what is your Talent & Glyphs

For single target you should be picking up storm bolt and bloodbath. For AOE you can leave bloodbath unless you are on a fight like garrosh with LOTS of adds, in which case take bladestorm, and instead of storm bolt take dragon roar.
So I've got the premium running on a target dummy and there's at least one issue right off the bat. It seems to be using stormbolt on cooldown which is no longer optimal. Stormbolt kinda sucks in its current form, and should only be used when you are out of other options. For example if BT is on cooldown and you don't have enough rage to wild strike, only THEN would you use stormbolt. It's basically a last resort if you have nothing else to cast. Casting it on CD like it is currently is a dps loss. Bloodthirst, Raging Blow and Wild Strike are all a WAY higher priority than storm bolt assuming you have rage to use them.

For now I just have it shut off, but you may want to adjust the logic.

not sure if the test dummy is getting the 400% dmg bonus on stun immune mobs but i'm almost positive my SB hits harder than Wild Strike last I checked, although I've been messing around with Arms the last few days. In any case SB and DR both hit so little now I would consider both of their dmg pretty negligible unless it's a large group of adds for DR, but I don't think it's a big dps loss or gain either way comparing SB to WS.

just did a quick peak at a random 588 warrior on warcraftlogs - average SB damage on Garrosh is 14k mh + 10k oh = 24k, averaged over 24 hits. Wildstrike average over 89 hits = 14k. Pretty sure SB hits harder than WS and is OK to use whenever, but neither a large gain nor loss of dps IMO.
That's possible, I'll test it out on juggernaut, but in general the advice I've seen everywhere is that storm bolt is a lower priority than wild strike, and that's how I've been playing manually and I outdps the routine manually in it's current form and I'm attributing it to storm bolt. I'm about to run juggernaut on LFR to test, so I'll report back in a few minutes.

The other thing is that wildstrike has a much shorter GCD. You can essentially get two of them off in the time it takes to stormbolt and wait for the GCD to finish.
You are the top one? Mind telling me your spec/talent setup? :).

ofc the top one =)

Fury warrior 2h 580+

Major Glyphs
Heroic Leap
Unending Rage

Talent tree -

Double time
Impending victory
Sudden death
Draogn Roar

At pull , when 1st pack goes out , i have 85-92k AoE burst dps

P.S. One more thing could be added -
CR doesnt use bladestorm after 1st phase (i.e. when there are 2 MK and garrosh in range , it stil doesnt use Bladestorm)
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That's possible, I'll test it out on juggernaut, but in general the advice I've seen everywhere is that storm bolt is a lower priority than wild strike, and that's how I've been playing manually and I outdps the routine manually in it's current form and I'm attributing it to storm bolt. I'm about to run juggernaut on LFR to test, so I'll report back in a few minutes.

The other thing is that wildstrike has a much shorter GCD. You can essentially get two of them off in the time it takes to stormbolt and wait for the GCD to finish.

most CR's out right now aren't optimized yet, so it's pretty easy to outdps anything i've tried just from smashing buttons as fast as i can or using autofire software to smash it for me, but i haven't specifically tested FU2 for more than literally 3 minutes. War rotations are so dumbed down the difference between perfect and smashing every resource as it becomes available is tiny. In either case, the dps difference between SB and WS is small enough it's not gonna change your whole dmg output noticeable, if you're manually doing more it's just from the CR being slow, not the 3 SB's it does per minute. several thousand dmg difference at most over 60 secs is pretty much not noticeable.

the first thing i noticed so far is that in Arms at least it is not detecting or using Sudden Death procs and it is casting DR inside CS windows when left to defaults. Arms is basically the new Fury since it has CS windows and Fury doesn't :)
So I just tested juggernaut in LFR for storm bolt. My average stormbolt (MH+OH) was 23.3k, but thats including the fact that I only got about 7 out, of which 3 would be in burst phase with everything procced. It seems alright I guess with this in consideration, but I'm still not sure if it outperforms being able to wildstrike twice in the same amount of time. I DO think it's a good ability during enrage when you happen to be out of rage, I just don't know if it's ideal to be used on cooldown. Though I did test the target dummy and the stun multiplication doesn't work. This makes it kind of difficult to test.

most CR's out right now aren't optimized yet, so it's pretty easy to outdps anything i've tried just from smashing buttons as fast as i can or using autofire software to smash it for me, but i haven't specifically tested FU2 for more than literally 3 minutes. War rotations are so dumbed down the difference between perfect and smashing every resource as it becomes available is tiny. In either case, the dps difference between SB and WS is small enough it's not gonna change your whole dmg output noticeable, if you're manually doing more it's just from the CR being slow, not the 3 SB's it does per minute. several thousand dmg difference at most over 60 secs is pretty much not noticeable.

the first thing i noticed so far is that in Arms at least it is not detecting or using Sudden Death procs and it is casting DR inside CS windows when left to defaults. Arms is basically the new Fury since it has CS windows and Fury doesn't :)

Yeah, and I am looking at top parses on Warcraftlogs which look like they are using SB on cooldown. So for now I'll trust it, the DPET is higher for a single ability in sims, but given that you can get two WS off it just doesn't make since to me that I would prioritize SB. I guess it's not going to matter in the long run, once the level 100 gear is available things will change and people will spend more time optimizing rotations, so I guess I'll just see what happens in the future
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Cant seem to get Heroic Leap Hotkey to work either even with precombat hks enabled

update - HL works in combat with precombat hks disabled, but with precombat enabled HL doesn't work in or out of combat
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So I just tested juggernaut in LFR for storm bolt. My average stormbolt (MH+OH) was 23.3k, but thats including the fact that I only got about 7 out, of which 3 would be in burst phase with everything procced. It seems alright I guess with this in consideration, but I'm still not sure if it outperforms being able to wildstrike twice in the same amount of time. I DO think it's a good ability during enrage when you happen to be out of rage, I just don't know if it's ideal to be used on cooldown. Though I did test the target dummy and the stun multiplication doesn't work. This makes it kind of difficult to test.

Yeah, and I am looking at top parses on Warcraftlogs which look like they are using SB on cooldown. So for now I'll trust it, the DPET is higher for a single ability in sims, but given that you can get two WS off it just doesn't make since to me that I would prioritize SB. I guess it's not going to matter in the long run, once the level 100 gear is available things will change and people will spend more time optimizing rotations, so I guess I'll just see what happens in the future

yea the dps difference is so small, using SB at all is optional imo. even used on CD on warcraftlogs records, it only contributes ~5% of the total dps. If you changed this out for more WS or basically any other ability the final dps would not change more than 2%. While all the bots were down I made an auto-fire macro through logitech setpoint that literally continuously spammed BT, execute, RB, WS, SB 10x/sec and held down 1 button through the single target normal/heroic/mythic bosses and my dps came out right on par with Simcraft and other Mythic raiders doing I would assume near perfect rotations. 0 pooling any resource, 0 alignment with procs, using every resource the second it was available was within a few percent of the ideal rotation. as it stands i really think the speed of execution of the CR, queueing abilities in advance in case of lag, and never going a single GCD without an ability being used is more important than carefully timing your abilities and rage for Fury.

For Arms I think there's still a lot that needs to be done and experimented with. Now that it has the 6 sec dps windows and Haste affecting MS and GCD, I'm more interested in seeing what can come out of maxing out this rotation since it's been neglected for a long time. The difference between spamming and timing I think actually impacts Arms more than Fury now - you can potentially get 2X MS (hits like a truck atm), SB, and multiple WW inside each CS window now, and EOG fits SB nicely inside the Arms rotation now to always be used with CS (sounds a lot like Fury did last week doesn't it :). I've been playing around with a full haste build to see if I can get something decent out of this - hopefully nomnom will give Arms more love this expac so we can see it's full potential.
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Что же касается ветки талантов кто что может предложить?
For both dos spec what your thought?
Sorry for the late respond.

Im one of the lucky ones to run in BiS gear (589) so im giving you my findings. That being said my choises my not work as good for you as they do for me.

For fury I use in general:

Recent changes to Sudden Death makes it so that the dps difference is smaller now. SD is still favorable though.
Talent wise you can pick any of the level 60 talent. There is such a small difference in dps that you can pick whatever the situation calls for. Need an AOE stun? Pick Shockwave. Being said that Storm bolt you only want to use when enraged ofcourse.
Level 90 talents just switch between Bloodbath on adds that live for more then 10 secs or boss fights that have 1-2 adds at the time. You can go bladestorm on 4+ adds or when adds tend to die really fast. Never use bladestorm for boss only like iron Juggernaught.

Enraged speed i just love. Gives me due to the high enrage upkeep around 99% passive movement increase.
Unending rage is a no brainer.
Raging wind can be swapt out for Wind and thunder or Rude interuption. Depends on what kind of boss you are facing. Know the fight and you know what glyphs to take.

Minors don't really matter though Subtle Defender is something you kind of need if you wanne max dps. Stance dancing that is.

Said to say but arms rotation is not really optimal so i'd stick with fury if I were you.
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So, I'll just leave talent/spec advise for you guys to discuss and only respond to actual issues for now.

the first thing i noticed so far is that in Arms at least it is not detecting or using Sudden Death procs and it is casting DR inside CS windows when left to defaults. Arms is basically the new Fury since it has CS windows and Fury doesn't :)
Both should be OK at next push.

Cant seem to get Heroic Leap Hotkey to work either even with precombat hks enabled
update - HL works in combat with precombat hks disabled, but with precombat enabled HL doesn't work in or out of combat
Will be fixed in next push!

Anyone having luck getting the pause HK to work?
Added to the buglist - Will investigate.