So I've got the premium running on a target dummy and there's at least one issue right off the bat. It seems to be using stormbolt on cooldown which is no longer optimal. Stormbolt kinda sucks in its current form, and should only be used when you are out of other options. For example if BT is on cooldown and you don't have enough rage to wild strike, only THEN would you use stormbolt. It's basically a last resort if you have nothing else to cast. Casting it on CD like it is currently is a dps loss. Bloodthirst, Raging Blow and Wild Strike are all a WAY higher priority than storm bolt assuming you have rage to use them.
For now I just have it shut off, but you may want to adjust the logic. After running on two dummies for a total of 10-mil damage, shutting stormbolt off gave me an increase of about 5.4% over the current logic. I imagine it would be more if it was simply used in the proper priority.
For now I just have it shut off, but you may want to adjust the logic. After running on two dummies for a total of 10-mil damage, shutting stormbolt off gave me an increase of about 5.4% over the current logic. I imagine it would be more if it was simply used in the proper priority.
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