- General - Fixed spec switching. What that means is if you hit Stop Bot, change specs, and then Start Bot, it will pickup your Talents and then pick the right rotation to use.
- General - Added Resting into the Bot and put some config options there.
- General - All ground spells not successfully cast 3 times will blacklist the spell for 5 seconds.
- Vengeance - For Single Target and AoE, where it casts Infernal Strike in melee range, it will now cast it on yourself, instead of the target. This makes for way less movement in combat when it's not supposed to move and way less failed casts.
- Vengeance - Options added disable for Pull, Single Target combat, AoE combat, and Gap Closer. The difference in them is:
- Pull is cast before you are in combat, typically by Questing bot.
- Single Target is pretty self explanatory.
- AoE will use it when there are 3 or more targets within 8 yards.
- Gap closer will use it if you are in combat, but you are between 9 and 15 yards away.
- Vengeance - Use Throw glaive every X seconds (configurable) and use on Initial Pull() routine and if > 8 yards from target.
- Vengeance - Added Fel Devastation Mitigation configuration option.
- Hotkeys - Vengeance - Defensive Cooldowns - Added Fel Devastation to the list of cooldowns to activate.
- Hotkeys - Havoc - Offensive Cooldowns - Added Havoc offensive cd hotkeys for Agility Potion (will eventually be configurable), Fury of the Illidari, and Metamorphosis.
- Hotkeys - Rotation Only - Added a hotkey that will disable all movement, targeting, and facing and will execute the rotation only. Good for Boss fights where there are "weird things" that you don't want the bot to target and want to move manually for a short while.
- Havoc - Completely re-worked the entire Havoc routine. Everything was replaced.
- Havoc - Added an "Opening Rotation" for Havoc if certain criteria is met.
- Metamorphosis must not be on CD.
- It uses the "Cooldown Options" based on Metamophosis
- If you select "On Cooldown" for Metamorphosis, it will use the Opening rotation on cooldown. If you want it only on bosses, select that, and it'll only use opening rotation on bosses.
- You must have 2 charges of Fel Rush available to be used with Fel Mastery Talent or 1 charge of Fel Rush without Fel Mastery.
- You must have Facing and Movement enabled since it needs to keep using Fel Rush so much and Vengeful Retreat.
- You must have "Use Fel Rush on Pull" enabled.
- You must be < 25 yards from target.
- Havoc - Fixed all of the Use Agility Potion, Metamorphosis, and Fury of the Illidari cooldown settings to make sure they are using them at the right times.
- Havoc - Added AoE to the list of cooldown selections above.