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Fpsware Hunter

Seems that this CC dosent work anymore,

"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Hera.ClassHelpers.Hunter.Pet.get_NeedToHealPet() in c:\Users\Fliiix\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Tet\Flib\ClassHelpers.cs:line 187
at Hera.Fpsware.Pulse() in c:\Users\Fliiix\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Tet\Class Specific\Misc\CC.cs:line 69
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()"

It wont do a shit, just trying to run away.
Seems that this CC dosent work anymore,

"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Hera.ClassHelpers.Hunter.Pet.get_NeedToHealPet() in c:\Users\Fliiix\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Tet\Flib\ClassHelpers.cs:line 187
at Hera.Fpsware.Pulse() in c:\Users\Fliiix\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Tet\Class Specific\Misc\CC.cs:line 69
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()"

It wont do a shit, just trying to run away.

\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\T et\

From OP:
the folder MUST be called Fpsware Hunter in your CustomClasses folder.

Maybe that's it?
Does this CC support Dynamic Environment? Would be nice to not MD my pet all the time in an instance and to call a different pet when questing or in an instance. Also, I have seen this asked a lot in this thread but no answer. Does this CC put multishot to the top of the "priority list" if there are multiple adds on a pet? And lastly, is there a way to tell it to cast MD on my pet every couple of seconds? I have the glyph but it will only cast MD once on pull and that is it. Thanks for the great CC, they truly are the best CC for any class i have played.
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This is working great, however I'm noticing some "problems". I'm an MM spec, and it doesn't seem to be using Aimed Shot, despite the Focus 65+ setting. The bot still has my toon slaughter everything, but having it used Aimed Shot would get it done faster. Anything I can do to make it use it?
I really apprecaite all your hard work on these. not many CC's out there. I've tried to look at the code and maybe adventually will get how to use C#, A few things I would suggest changing in your update in case you are doing one. I been running Heorics, changed from BM to Survival hoping for better control of my shots with lazyraider.I don't have an option to choose when to revive pet, seems to be reviving in the middle of boss fights when everyone is going down. I can't seem to find a way to turn it off. Also I like to have aspect of the fox on some fights that require me to move around to not get killed and it keeps moving it back to hawk. I can't see any control over that either. Fpsware is great .. keep it up.
This CC is great, but there is one problem within instance buddy with it.

Im not sure if its about the cc, but I'm guessing that yes.

Whenever I get The lost city of tol'vir, the hunter just runs to mobs and starts attacking them like a retard.
hi guys. very nice cc. but i got question how do i set up for my bm or survival hunter to use cobra shot instead of steady shot ?
This is working great, however I'm noticing some "problems". I'm an MM spec, and it doesn't seem to be using Aimed Shot, despite the Focus 65+ setting. The bot still has my toon slaughter everything, but having it used Aimed Shot would get it done faster. Anything I can do to make it use it?

Same problem, the bot just use Steady Shot, never Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot...

Thanks in advance !
Cc still isn't using Cobra shot no matter what I try. Smiles I dont' even see it listed in the survival drop down tree of the cc. Don't se it anywhere as a matter of fact in the cc I have of this one.
Running it right now at the default settings. Working like a charm. The best CC I've tried. :)

Leveling a Troll hunter 1-85 ... atm 39 and a bit over 1 day played.
I really love your CCs, but my 85 hunter always spamming steady shot. I alreadys change the settings to MM but nothing changed :(
I really love your CCs, but my 85 hunter always spamming steady shot. I alreadys change the settings to MM but nothing changed :(

tried to restart Hb after you applied the setting?

also are you on the latest CC version?(updated via SVN)
I really love your CCs, but my 85 hunter always spamming steady shot. I alreadys change the settings to MM but nothing changed :(
Have the same problem on 3 different hunters. Just using steady shot.

Tried to restart.
Delete settings of the chars.
Reload the CC.
Nothing helps would be nice if someone can help, seems more people have the same issue.
Hi, I use this cc and I have a question.
Is it possible to change Aspect of the Hawk on the Aspect of the Cheetah?
Just i farm low lvl mobs and i want use this instead of Mount.

sry for bad english.
Hey man the bot wen its attacking doesnt seem to face the target all the time can you tell me am i doing somthing wrong or is it the CC

I got the same prob, Im running BM hunter, currently lvl 74, and he just seem to let his pet fight and dont face the target 65% of the time.. sometime h even keep running around while pet fighting, agroing 3-4 adds... and still not facing the combat.. most of the time he fights melee range..

I ve got the latest evrything, can any1 respond to this please?
MM hunter looks like it steady shots twice to get Improved Steady Shot up and running. After that it'll start using focus on aimed/arcane shot.