Feign Death triggered at full health when set to low-health & aggro
To start off let me say that I am new to botting and to Honorbuddy... I love how well the fpsware CCs work and I am amazed at just how much you guys can accomplish.
I am not certain where the line is between what HB does, what the profile does, and what the CC does. Please feel free to tell me these are not CC issues.
View attachment 9-28-2011_7_16 PM 4816 Log.zip
Running fpsware hunter
set to combat bot
set to profile (Kick's) "Blank QO.xml"
running horde, blood elf, hunter lvl 85, pet is tamed corehound Gomegaz (exotic)
used combat bot all through the battle in Tol Barad,
but after the battle doing the dailies
at 8:19 I died and as I was ghost running back to corpse it kept trying to eat and drink.
at about 8:33 I noticed that the Feign Death was triggering much more frequently than needed,
checked the setting (Aggro and low health)
started watching and I was feigning with full health and the (single) mob fully engaged with the pet.
I also noticed that after feigning my guy would pop back up almost instantly and start shooting before the pet can build aggro.
I don't have a time but there were several times when my pet would be engaged with 2 or 3 or 4 mobs but getting aggro with only
one and then my guy would use the multi shot and pull aggro on the 2 or 3 that the pet hadn't hit yet.