Umg i had a nice beauty sleep and have to see that.
Greetings dear newbs, we had a hard day today with and around InstanceBuddy.
What happens here ?
Actually it seems that Dogan, the IB guy, got pissed off by some individuals today, he did a great work on improving InstanceBuddy all the time, he even was short to stop back in the days, but luckily he didnt.
What happened right now, and why he is frustrated i can only guess. I believe its a handful of users disturbing him and not being able to show him and his work some respect.
So he disabled IB few hours ago, i had a talk with him and we agreed that he will allow IB to be used again. He asked me if i can provide him shop usernames of users he would give a penny to ban out of IB. He didn't get any but i told him that most of the names are the same, as everyone knows that once you register on the shop you get automated an forum account.
I also told him that someone pisses him that much, he can ofc ban him in the time where the plugin is free, not once it is under our direction. Its his application, and he has the right to decide.
Why all people go crazy today ? I dont know, maybe its because of the 2 airplanes that crashed, maybe not. Hopefully tomorrow is a better one.
side note about the myth, that once you get banned in forums, you can not use your GB / HB anymore ... its just a myth, i did not had either the time or the skill to connect that 2 data to be checked on AUTH, and i would never have done that, as i do not see a single reason why i should do it.
I can give you all now some shop names: Bossland AtG68 baxterboy Breyna cataclysm CodenameG Delloman edike13 ekimbo exfelon fpsware gehoornde IvanRJ Kramxel krayt kyvari loevstroem malxz Melvjehhh mezz0 Morga neodite Pios Prodian raphus* rcadams Robertoisrad samikk UnknowNGameR vbenge w00tsauce wired420 Xanathos* Zubi* _Hausi
oh wait thats the users that look this thread atm .. so who wants an StarcraftII 1:1 now, i need to bash some newbs for my nerves