Added Teldrassil, AzureMyst and Bloodmyst. Will fly to Tel and then catch boat over to Azuremyst. If you haven't got the mesh yet for Azuremyst you might take the boat back to Darkshore again due to mesh download time. When it goes back to Bloodmyst the 2nd time you should be fine.
It also gets the Darnassus Flame. When Kalimdor Profile is finished all you need to do is get the Exodar Flame and Kalimdor is done. I didn't put Exodar Flame in due to it being in an Alliance scum city
Also changed the QO a little bit due to new additions so it goes a bit faster.
To the EK profile I added Twilight Highlands. So now you only need to get the Flame from Undercity and Ironforge and goto Vash and deepholm. Also changed a couple of QOs around aswell due to Twilight Highlands.
All credit to JWLionKing and Zugga for doing the hard work
Edit: Update the Kalimdor one to stop him pulling the world.