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Done with Kalimdor Works Great though it was missing..
Azuremyst Isle - West of Azure Watch [44, 52]
Bloodmyst Isle - South of Blood Watch [55, 67]
Teldrassil - Dolanaar [54, 52]
Really appreciate the profiles.
Got my title early this morning. Thanks for spending the time to do it.
Just a note: Would be great if you could combine all of them into one, with the movement from Kicks profiles(If he allows it) to different continents.
Very nice build profile. But you have to babysit it as it sometimes, atleast with my tauren, get's stuck in the tents.
And sometimes it gets out of sync,but a restart of hb fixes that.
THOUGH, I must admit that i have restarted the profile over 10 times now due to sync error (using them both at the same time, don't know if it has something to do with thah, but i don't think so,
I'll send you a log
Maybe it's me who does not quite understand how to use it.