[20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 1 party members:
[20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 XXXXX <--------This was my character name.....
[20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Tank is XXXXX <--------This too.......
[20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Healer is <none>
[20:09:44.440 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Druid_Feral last updated 10/1/2012.
Hm, thanks for the feedback! I've removed Moonkin form from the Rest section, and added the ability to pull flying creatures. Let me know how it works for you. Basically - if I try to walk to the creature and it's in the air, HonorBuddy blacklists it - I have no control over that. So, I do a navigator check first - if it can navigate to the creature, it does, but if it can't, it walks to the highest spot UNDERNEATH the creature. Then, it tries to casts spells.
It it did pull a couple mobs from the sky, but HonorBuddy still blacklisted some mobs, too. I tested with the diseased vultures in Uldum, because I didn't know what birds you were targeting.
tested in heroic working good to keep threat problem is scroll option seem to not working would like to be able to taunt myself move and target also it seem that it stick on the mob when fighting cant move at all from fire on ground or kit this is for brewmaster sry for my poor english great cc keep up the good work
FTW does not play nice with AutoAngler. I have attached a log, but basically it is spamming "[20:09:51.000 D] [FTW] 04:09:51 REST: Waiting for spell to finish..." in the chat window, and is preventing AA from looting. I had to go back to CLU while fishing. Also, PLEASE PLEASE disable the logging of our character names from showing up in the log!!!! This would be very bad for anyone who doesn't know that this does this, and uploads a log anywhere on this forum while using your CC.
Code:[20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 1 party members: [20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 XXXXX <--------This was my character name..... [20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Tank is XXXXX <--------This too....... [20:09:44.140 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Healer is <none> [20:09:44.440 N] [FTW] 04:09:44 Druid_Feral last updated 10/1/2012.
EDIT: Forgot to attach the log lol
Would this work well with pqr? Just delete the combat and only allow it to move mount and combat?
I'm not sure why this is... but for some reason while trying to use this on my prot pally I'm getting an invalid state error.
Can't load log as it's too large... will try to get you another one
Looks very promising but it lags the game/HB to a crawl...
Not sure what it is... but it's not working too great for me.
Also, PLEASE PLEASE disable the logging of our character names from showing up in the log!!!! This would be very bad for anyone who doesn't know that this does this, and uploads a log anywhere on this forum while using your CCl
Sounds good, I'll let you know if I have any more issues
FWIW, I can't express how much I love the scroll lock toggle, and the ability to modify the routine on the fly without restarting HB. Both should be built in as core features of HB imo. Crazy helpful.
Hey one last thing, I'm trying to get this to work but it doesn't seem to get past this line.
Me.Cast Sacred Shield
Me.HasAura ("Sacred Shield") = 0
I've also tried
Me.StackCount ("Sacred Shield") = 0
Please assist... love the idea but I'm trying to customize my rotation around my spec and it's not agreeing with me =P
I realy like the idea of changing my CC while bot is still runing, but I keep getting error messages like this: Bad number on left side found when evaluating action Me.PullMore Conflagrate line 150 - '42Diff' (Input string was not in a correct format.
I haven't changed anything about the pull behavior. Could it be a Problem with the client language? I ask this, because most users report that the CC is working great and not using the english client caused bugs in a fishing bot i was using a while ago...
And it keeps casting Create Healthstone, even if I have one. (Log Attached)