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Fight at Joe's

Is "SWTOR 2" your Buddy Wing folder? If not, the proper location is "...\Buddywing 1.0.970.361\Routines", which should put it next to (not inside of) the "DefaultCombat" folder.

I'm not sure what else it might be given the error message you posted.
I called the folder SWTOR 2, there is my launcher, plugins folder and routines folder, and In the routines folder is where I dropped Default combat.
Game option - Interface - 'Target Closest Enemy'

... and when Target Weakest is enabled - the target you have selected on the SCREEN most often isn't what's being cast against - just watch where your damage is going - it's targeting against the weakest NON-STUNNED NPC - most of the time it won't be the on-screen target, especially in Ops/FPs.

Sigh, this is what I get for being out of this game for 6+ months. Completely forgot about that IN the game. My apologies Joe!
I called the folder SWTOR 2, there is my launcher, plugins folder and routines folder, and In the routines folder is where I dropped Default combat.

1. Go into your BW/Routines folder.
2. Back up your DefaultCombat folder in there into a .zip
3. DELETE the DefaultCombat folder.
4. Unzip DefaultCombat.zip in that location (BuddyWing/Routines) - So the original DefaultCombat folder will be entirely replaced with that from the Joe's download/zip.

If you're STILL getting errors after doing the above, post the log so I have something to go on here :)
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Sigh, this is what I get for being out of this game for 6+ months. Completely forgot about that IN the game. My apologies Joe!

No worries :)

Resubscribed to WoW - may be going on a hiatus for awhile... But at the point I quit WoW I was so sick-to-death of it who the hell knows.
No worries :)

Resubscribed to WoW - may be going on a hiatus for awhile... But at the point I quit WoW I was so sick-to-death of it who the hell knows.

Ha! I just came from WoW. Already sick of it!!! Hence the reason I am now here in SWTOR.
Anyone know hwy my BW just shows me default combat as routine? I can not switch to WingIt.....my drop down is empty then...:(
There was most likely a compiler error last time WingIt was called. Close Buddywing (gracefully), delete the CompiledAssemblies folder and run BuddyWing again, most likely allowing Wingit to compile correctly. If it doesnt error out--errors usually post in the log--the WingIt combat routine will be in the pulldown menu. However, if you run DefaultCombat, WingIt will almost always disappear from the pulldown menu and you have to repeat this procedure. If you want to run Wingit, select it first before starting the program.
I have a question. I have been using your Combat since the birth for questing and leveling profiles but I am interesting in trying it in Flash Point operations and PVP. I have tried it in Flash Points and PVP, not Operations yet but it doesn't seem to function well. I have been using it with the Combat.xml profile for both Flash Points and PVp and in PVP it doesn't really attack, like it will attack if its me and another player but if its me and someone on another player it won't attack or me attacking a player that's attacking another player it won't attack. And in flash point it will attack mobs that haven't been aggro ed yet but if they have it won't attack, also pulls mobs blindly. Could you clue me in as to how this is supposed to be used with both and what profiles I should be using. Thanks MiX74P3
Joe using your routines - Most stuff works fine, I am currently leveling an assassin and noticed a few things (leveled a sniper with none of these bugs)

1/ Doesnt mount between hotspots
2/ Doesnt rest up after fights (most important)
3/ Doesn't use bio on lizards etc you kill like scavenging to droids
4/ starts chugging and sometimes crashes (not sure if this is a script thing or a buddy problem) I am running a quad core PC so it should have plenty of capacity

I didn'nt read the supported builds 2/ is fine
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Anyway to make not use "Recharge and Reload" after killing every mob when it even with full health.
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Sorry to say this Joe but your Scoundrel Scrapper is complete shit, heals itself when it has 99% health even. And doenst move out of AOE damage, I havent been successfull at all botting with my scoundrel.

Thanks for making one though..
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Thanks for the mature and constructive criticism. Just wondering - was this grinding/questing/PvP/Ops/FP?

So far as resting, it's DESIGNED to rest until 90% Health and 80% energy - and will also wait until your comp is 'ready to go' as well. AOE - not sure WingIt handles that and no - I haven't coded for it.

Thanks for the mature and constructive criticism. Just wondering - was this grinding/questing/PvP/Ops/FP?

So far as resting, it's DESIGNED to rest until 90% Health and 80% energy - and will also wait until your comp is 'ready to go' as well. AOE - not sure WingIt handles that and no - I haven't coded for it.

I have a question. I have been using your Combat since the birth for questing and leveling profiles but I am interesting in trying it in Flash Point operations and PVP. I have tried it in Flash Points and PVP, not Operations yet but it doesn't seem to function well. I have been using it with the Combat.xml profile for both Flash Points and PVp and in PVP it doesn't really attack, like it will attack if its me and another player but if its me and someone on another player it won't attack or me attacking a player that's attacking another player it won't attack. And in flash point it will attack mobs that haven't been aggro ed yet but if they have it won't attack, also pulls mobs blindly. Could you clue me in as to how this is supposed to be used with both and what profiles I should be using. Thanks MiX74P3
PvP, I've tried and tried, but it's just about useless - so many errors in BW I come up with - I'd say don't even bother - sorry on that. I should've pulled the PvP flag, period, since with all of the errors and the unresponsiveness - no good. I think in-short the offsets in PvP are wayyyy different than those in PvE, and it just hasn't really been coded for much less in BW (and from what I've heard SWTOR is multi-threaded, which makes it even worse, it'll be updating objects with multiple threads while BW is trying to read from them) - could be wrong tho.

Flashpoints and Ops - make sure the TargetWeakest flag is set to true (can also be toggled via the HotKey) - I haven't honestly had an issue where it will attack mobs that haven't been aggro'd - and I created a routine to specifically check for aggro (target is In-Combat, and target is targeting a Player). I'd also suggest on Ops/FPs to disable movement per the doc'd key noted in the first thread as well so it doesn't try and run back to unlooted mobs etc. Also be sure the PullIG flag is set to false - that's also key on FPs/Ops. Flags noted are in MercHelpers.cs

Also, if you're running a class/spec that isn't listed in the FIRST POST - just about guaranteed it will aggro everything since anything I haven't specifically listed will be running the ORIGINAL DefaultCombat CODE (which isn't Ops-Etc friendly).

In short I'm kinda burnt-out on SWTOR - sick of spending an hour trying to just auction - and being at the mercy of the SWTOR devs with no option for Add-Ons etc for added functionality - I just find it so damn dry and boring at this point, can't take it anymore.

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is there a way to disable looting so I get more xp/h ? (with profiles not with random grind :p)