there's been a bunch said in this thread already about subtlety and hemo, but i have to chime in. I've never seen a CR that simply refuses to use it like this one does.
first off, you may be overthinking the whole "sims show hemo a dps loss, therefore no point in having it" thing. look at the top parses on any boss, and the vast majority of rogues use hemo. some at 50% uptime, many much higher in the 80s. It's never let me down to follow what top rogues are doing (including ones raiding in top guilds, whether or not they parse high on warcraft logs), while simulations are VERY often wildly wrong. it's up to you if you want your CR to keep the hemo debuff up (obviously it currently doesn't), but just know it's not some crazy dps loss to do so. in fact just using hemo the entire boss fight is only about a 5% loss over BS. beats sitting at energy cap.
anyhow, if nothing else, you really should change the code to use hemo if energy capped and BS not available. right now it just locks up the routine completely when in front, other than renewing hemo every 20+ sec. it should be pretty basic code change to switch to hemo when at almost energy cap and [not behind], and i just can't see any downside. yes in theory we are never in front for too long, but in real life it happens all the time actually, people play at different skill levels and have different assignments and responsibilities. Kromog's grasping hands is just one example. Blackhand's P3 is another where many players aren't going to be behind the boss much if at all. please think about it.
speaking of top parses, i've never seen garrote used in any way shape or form so im not sure why this CR uses it on pull and every vanish.
great routine by the way, i've tried them all and this one does best dps for subtlety. but the hemo thing is just weird. only other feature you might consider for top end raiding is a feint toggle, like for example YRB2 has. it's a fantastic utility that i personally have trouble doing without. meaning you toggle it on and off with a keypress, not having to manually press to renew every 5-7 sec.