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Eclipse - SkinBot

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Amazing bot! I've found so many uses for this thing it's unreal. Donating as soon as I get paid.

Go into tidybags.cs and add this line to the _itemUseOnTen hashset (around line 500):
110610, // Raw Beast Hide Scraps
Thank you for your support (even if its future support, lol)!
Is it possible to make it wait for the newly skinned mob to disappear before trying to skin again, stop from trying to skin the same mob 2-4 times before it fades away?
So first thing I noticed, or had a problem with, was when I was in an area, that I don't use anymore because I realized there's a quest there, I was routinely tagging other people's mobs and then trying to skin them. I made sure Ninja Skin of turned off in settings (it was), but the boss would still attack tagged mobs. This also because a problem when somebody showed up with the trap from the barn and the bot kept "assisting" him with his kills. I quickly replied to his tell, letting him know it was my 7 year old son. The "kids" help me play alot, and don't talk. Ask anybody in my guild, we talk about the "kids" playing all the time. Is there a way to set it so it WON'T attack a tagged target?

Second, I'm still in learning mode, but I received a couple errors when I opened it up and used the skin bot using the "Mobs in the Area" section. I had done a little learning prior to this, but it still threw a couple errors. I looked today to see if I had the 0 kb .db file and don't see a 0 kb file, might be looking in the wrong place. Also, do I need to leave the bot config window open? Seems like if I click learn, start bot, kill some stuff. Stop bot, click bot config, learn is unchecked. I did an extensive learn last night with bot config window left open on second screen. Afterwards I stopped bot, clicked Skin mode, unpicked learn. Started bot and it took off seamlessly. Won't know until servers are up how it did.

Still learning how to function within bot again after being away from it over a year and trying to get more extensive with some things. I haven't done any programming with bots since Everquest! Really enjoying your work so far.

Error1.webp Error2.webp View attachment 5016 2014-11-30 13.11.txt
So first thing I noticed, or had a problem with, was when I was in an area, that I don't use anymore because I realized there's a quest there, I was routinely tagging other people's mobs and then trying to skin them. I made sure Ninja Skin of turned off in settings (it was), but the boss would still attack tagged mobs. This also because a problem when somebody showed up with the trap from the barn and the bot kept "assisting" him with his kills. I quickly replied to his tell, letting him know it was my 7 year old son. The "kids" help me play alot, and don't talk. Ask anybody in my guild, we talk about the "kids" playing all the time. Is there a way to set it so it WON'T attack a tagged target?

Second, I'm still in learning mode, but I received a couple errors when I opened it up and used the skin bot using the "Mobs in the Area" section. I had done a little learning prior to this, but it still threw a couple errors. I looked today to see if I had the 0 kb .db file and don't see a 0 kb file, might be looking in the wrong place. Also, do I need to leave the bot config window open? Seems like if I click learn, start bot, kill some stuff. Stop bot, click bot config, learn is unchecked. I did an extensive learn last night with bot config window left open on second screen. Afterwards I stopped bot, clicked Skin mode, unpicked learn. Started bot and it took off seamlessly. Won't know until servers are up how it did.

Still learning how to function within bot again after being away from it over a year and trying to get more extensive with some things. I haven't done any programming with bots since Everquest! Really enjoying your work so far.

View attachment 155346View attachment 155347View attachment 155348

I will look into those errors. Are you using the most recent version? thanks for your feedback!
Awesome Bot - took a few times to get it going but finally did. One thing i am noticing is when using the "Kill These" it gets stuck often. It tends to get stuck right after a kill waiting for the mob to be looted. The moment I loot the body, the bot continues. Its not a specific one either, its random. Sometimes it goes for 30minutes but normally i have to loot every 15 mintues or so. I died twice when the mob that had to be looted was in water and the bot got stuck (ran our of air before i looted the body manually) - FYI
I have the Skinbot-MultibotV1.1.3.zip downloaded, so I believe it's the current version. I'm going to watch the tutorial between now and Saturday. That said, I found a nice little spot that yielded 2700 scraps in ~ 3.5 hours or less, can't remember what I set LogMeOut for, just before patch the other day! It did a fantastic job once I got it trained. My wife appreciates it much, since she's does the Leatherworking!

Any plans to see if it can be used with the Trap from the Barn? Long term, an addon or some such that utilizes the trap from barn is going to be invaluable for the savage blood options.
Does the job!

However (maybe I am using it wrong) is it possible to tell it to stay within a certain amount of coordinates? There are areas where mobs are in higher density, which results in a higher rate of skinning.
Can't get it to run, I get the following bug:

Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
Streamed store plugins
* TheBrodieMan's Compendium
* Anti Cap
Streamed store routines:
* Portal Premium [Millz]
* Restoration - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* MistWeaver - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Holy - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Discipline - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Holy - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Restoration - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh
* PureRotation 2.1.16
* TuanHA Monk [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Paladin [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Hunter [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Death Knight [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Rogue [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Warrior [WoD Store Free]
Loaded Eclipse Profile Creator v1.0.2.0 by Twist
Compiler Error: d:\Program Files (x86)\HB2\Bots\Skinbot-MultibotV1.1.3\Data\EclipseQuestProfile.cs(21,28) : error CS0104: 'EclipseMob' is an ambiguous reference between 'Eclipse.EclipsePlugins.Models.EclipseMob' and 'Eclipse.MultiBot.Data.EclipseMob'
Compiler Error: d:\Program Files (x86)\HB2\Bots\Skinbot-MultibotV1.1.3\Data\EclipseQuestProfile.cs(268,29) : error CS0104: 'HotSpot' is an ambiguous reference between 'Eclipse.EclipsePlugins.Models.HotSpot' and 'Eclipse.MultiBot.Data.HotSpot'
Streamed store botbases:
* Enyo (Buddystore)
* BGFarmer [Millz]
New bot added!: AutoAngler
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: GarrisonBuddy
New bot added!: LazyRaider
New bot added!: Raid Bot
New bot added!: Enyo (Buddystore)
New bot added!: BGFarmer [Millz]
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Newest SVN Revision: 31
You are using Revision: 31
Hello level 100 Draenei Shaman
Thank you for using TuanHA Shaman


Last edited:
this is a super friendly botbased bot.

looking forward to the mail/vendor thingy.

Also one question:
if ur char is attacked by a hostile mob during the run, it only kills but doesnt loot and/or skin.

e.g. farming talbuk (only learned mob) in nagrand but attacked by windroc/wolf/bull

possible for changes?
this is a super friendly botbased bot.

looking forward to the mail/vendor thingy.

Also one question:
if ur char is attacked by a hostile mob during the run, it only kills but doesnt loot and/or skin.

e.g. farming talbuk (only learned mob) in nagrand but attacked by windroc/wolf/bull

possible for changes?

i had this same thing and i also experienced the bot trying to skin a pet which you did mention may happen. otherwise this is a fantastic bot not just for skinning you could use it for apexis dailys and in general kill quests
this is a super friendly botbased bot.
looking forward to the mail/vendor thingy.
Also one question:
if ur char is attacked by a hostile mob during the run, it only kills but doesnt loot and/or skin.
e.g. farming talbuk (only learned mob) in nagrand but attacked by windroc/wolf/bull
possible for changes?

Yeah I can look into this.
Can't get it to run, I get the following bug:

Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
Streamed store plugins
* TheBrodieMan's Compendium
* Anti Cap
Streamed store routines:
* Portal Premium [Millz]
* Restoration - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* MistWeaver - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Holy - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Discipline - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Holy - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Restoration - Oracle II - Premium [All in One]
* Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh
* PureRotation 2.1.16
* TuanHA Monk [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Paladin [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Hunter [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Death Knight [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Rogue [WoD Store Free]
* TuanHA Warrior [WoD Store Free]
Loaded Eclipse Profile Creator v1.0.2.0 by Twist
Compiler Error: d:\Program Files (x86)\HB2\Bots\Skinbot-MultibotV1.1.3\Data\EclipseQuestProfile.cs(21,28) : error CS0104: 'EclipseMob' is an ambiguous reference between 'Eclipse.EclipsePlugins.Models.EclipseMob' and 'Eclipse.MultiBot.Data.EclipseMob'
Compiler Error: d:\Program Files (x86)\HB2\Bots\Skinbot-MultibotV1.1.3\Data\EclipseQuestProfile.cs(268,29) : error CS0104: 'HotSpot' is an ambiguous reference between 'Eclipse.EclipsePlugins.Models.HotSpot' and 'Eclipse.MultiBot.Data.HotSpot'
Streamed store botbases:
* Enyo (Buddystore)
* BGFarmer [Millz]
New bot added!: AutoAngler
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: GarrisonBuddy
New bot added!: LazyRaider
New bot added!: Raid Bot
New bot added!: Enyo (Buddystore)
New bot added!: BGFarmer [Millz]
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Newest SVN Revision: 31
You are using Revision: 31
Hello level 100 Draenei Shaman
Thank you for using TuanHA Shaman

I think you have my Profile Builder plugin in your plugins folder. IT shares some of the times and the new version doesn't account for them both being there at once. I JUST fixed it ( so i could skin for myself) and will publish once my RAF bot starts to calm down.
use a software versioning and revision control system for crying out loud. svn seems to be the choice around here because of the windows gui integration
use a software versioning and revision control system for crying out loud. svn seems to be the choice around here because of the windows gui integration
I do. I have both svn and tfs servers. I use both for different things.
Firstly love the bot works great and appreciate all the work you have put into this. Just wanted to ask a quick question when will to add the feature to sell items when bags are full?
It took me a minute to figure this out but once I did it worked like a charm.

One of HB biggest problems with the skinning is it will prioritize killing all mobs within the loot radius before actually skinning them where this tool actually skins all mobs in the area before killing making this a huge benefit! Congratulations on such a wonderful tool that finally prioritizes correctly for skinners!

Bugs I found so far:

Sometimes might stand next to a dead "tapped" mob trying to loot it when no loot is available. It will stand there until the dead mob vanishes causing a bit of a slow down but this only happens rarely.

Seems to only work well with Singular CR. When I try to use TuanHA hunter CR it goes crazy when looting mobs.

If you teach the bot to kill and skin only one type of mob and it kills another skinnable mob in the same area it will NOT skin the mob that was not learned. Use of ninja skin is overridden. However it will ninja skin from the mobs you teach it.
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The tagged mobs bug has been annoying me for awhile now. It's one of this things that have been really tough to fix.
I'm sure you will find it soon enough but for now it's a big improvement over the current default skinning logic. Once you iron out the issues I had above it will be flawless! Allow us to use our own hotspot profiles and it will be amazing!
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