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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

Why so excited? Is SMF better than TG? (I'm serious, I barely pay attention to these things)

Right now SMF Fury is the best because it has the best weapons. TG might be better, but not until heroic 2-h's as the 1-h BOE's are amazing, and BOE.
You asked for it - we're working on it!

Dunatank's Warrior CC v2.0 will feature:
  • Arms
  • TG & SMF Fury
  • Protection


See first post for ALPHA Fury Config screens!
Holy cheeseburger! Looking forward to this :D Gladiatore's great but its not updated. Will the dps-specc also include selective interrupts?
Every specc will feature selective interrupts!

If you guys want to go one step closer to perfections, make so we can choose to interrupt at the start of casts or at the beginning.

I've seen a few CC's with that, and that's awesome. Because currently all CC's interrupt at the beginning. Which is a pain in the butt if you use it for PVP.

Actually for anything for that matter, because a caster who casts 'ALMOST' the full duration loses out more. They waste all the time casting + they get interrupted.

Not only that you can make room for others to interrupt first, and if they don't you are the backup interrupter - would be awesome to see that!

The only thing idea I have is to add a PVP interrupt section where we can manually add what spells to ONLY interrupt. Because in PVP you just don't want to interrupt everything ya know.

Thanks guys, really looking forward to your work!

One more tip to make this thing amazing. If possible, have it hold off on heroic striking for rage dump IF Colossus Smash is 4-5 seconds away from being off cooldown.
- What we are looking for is having the warrior build rage to 75-90 ish rage, and then when it uses Colossus Smash it tries to maximize it's dps by getting in as many BT > Slam Procs > Raging Blow - with hopefully 2 Heroic Strikes in there. It would probably be a bit tricky to implement, but if you did you would be miles ahead of the other CC's - up there on par with ShamWoW which is by far the best CC for HB.

The only things that come to mind was having Gladiatores Hit Box size custom settings for large hit box bosses + making so the bot lets us actually use Heroic Leap on our own like Singular's Warrior CC does. Singular is the only warrior CC where the bot won't declick my Heroic Leap as I'm trying to use it. I think it might have something to do with the targeting code. Because sometimes it is the case that CC's will override (or try to) user targeting changes.

Anyways, looking forward to testing your work and helping improve it!


Also, I tested out the tanking CC in heroic ZG last night. Worked really good - especially with the new threat buff Blizzard gave us.
2 things I noticed.

1. Demoshout was prioritized too high on trash making so it would often miss adds when it should have Rend + Thunderclap first.
2. The bot often wouldn't Rend before thunderclaping - which I believe is the best AE for Prot when combined with shockwave.

What about implementing a form of cleave spam combining with Inner Rage?

Thought of one more thing.
Having an option to Stack 2 sunders, Colossus smash for the 3rd. This could be very useful for BOSS only DPS settings for in case there is no one to sunder the target.

K thought of another =)
1. Having an OPTION to immediately stop attacking and cast Shattering Throw on target when they bubble (for pvp purposes)
2. Having the option to have the bot also pummel any casts from anyone around him - IE. the focus target too. I'm really not to sure about this one. Can HB do that? interrupt targets next to you who are casting? That would be insane combined with the interrupt at END of cast.
3. Use Health pot at certain percent - like you have it with healthstone.
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This CC is shaping up quite nicely. Here are my inputs if you would hear it.

Problem - AoE Rotation still not coupling Rend + Thunderclaps fast enough to hold the group at the start.

Suggestion - Default Rend to the highest priority so that you will always use Rend first. Thunderclaps once the CC detect 3+ mobs in Thunderclaps Range (10 yrds from player when Glyphed).

Sample Fight on Trash (Non-Skull):

1. Player Manually - Charge
2. CC Automatically - Rend
3. CC Automatically - Thunderclap (once 3+ mobs within 10 yards range)
4. CC Automatically - Shockwave
5. ???
6. Profit
This CC is shaping up quite nicely. Here are my inputs if you would hear it.

Problem - AoE Rotation still not coupling Rend + Thunderclaps fast enough to hold the group at the start.

Suggestion - Default Rend to the highest priority so that you will always use Rend first. Thunderclaps once the CC detect 3+ mobs in Thunderclaps Range (10 yrds from player when Glyphed).

Sample Fight on Trash (Non-Skull):

1. Player Manually - Charge
2. CC Automatically - Rend
3. CC Automatically - Thunderclap (once 3+ mobs within 10 yards range)
4. CC Automatically - Shockwave
5. ???
6. Profit

Good ideas, Here is my thoughts on the rotation.
1. Player Manually - Charge + Shout for rage generation
2. CC Automatically - Rend
3. CC Automatically - Thunderclap (once 3+ mobs within 10 yards range) <----- Great idea on the adds detection with glyph range check. I thought it seemed like it wasn't detecting adds that were close enough for T.C.'s range.
4. CC Automatically - Shockwave - (does this detect that adds are mostly in front? I think it seems like it does).
5. Inner Rage + Cleave Spam. Prot warriors should have cleave glyphed imo
5. Repeat Thunderclap
6. Demo shout while cleaving
7. rinse and repeat.
The dps that this CC put's out is very low for prot. I would suggest looking at it's rotation to maxamize it's dps. It is very important for certain bosses that the tanks do enough dps.