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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

-Still doesn't work on "Fall of Deathwing last 4 bosses"

Advanced Tab -- Change Range to 100 ... it will do the rotation including being on ultra while stacking as far back as the stairs. Upon next update more than likely after the holidays, the cc will allow HB to do the range check and it will no longer be an issue.

those that are having a problem with current rotations can always use "Gladiatore Zip File on page 19 of that particular post until Wownerds is able to work out the finer details of the new and improving 3.0 Dunatanks in due time, there is a reason why there is more than one posts under Warrior CC we all can't depend on Wownerds for our lazy raider needs.
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Advanced Tab -- Change Range to 100 ... it will do the rotation including being on ultra while stacking as far back as the stairs. Upon next update more than likely after the holidays, the cc will allow HB to do the range check and it will no longer be an issue.

those that are having a problem with current rotations can always use "Gladiatore Zip File on page 19 of that particular post until Wownerds is able to work out the finer details of the new and improving 3.0 Dunatanks in due time, there is a reason why there is more than one posts under Warrior CC we all can't depend on Wownerds for our lazy raider needs.
Agreed, but Wownerds does seriously make awesome stuff so I can imagine why people are so eager to receive updates.

All i can say; Have patience people and keep your thumbs up for WoWnerds.

Ps; Gladiatore ... good ol' days, that was also an excellent CC!
Still having issues with rotation i dont have a log because i have deleted them accidently during a PC clean up :( i have it set to range 100 and even on test dummy it dosent do anything more then auto attack and bloodthist Fury Warr/Proc Warr
Still having issues with rotation i dont have a log because i have deleted them accidently during a PC clean up :( i have it set to range 100 and even on test dummy it dosent do anything more then auto attack and bloodthist Fury Warr/Proc Warr
post the log of your tests on the dummy so we can see what problem you are having otherwise your posts are useless...
CC is using Bladestorm and Sweeping strikes even on single target. and if you select "sunder armor" it does nothing.
for some reason my bot stands there and wont target anything , tried to move it away from questing area , he runs back and stands there , when i do the quest manualy he runs to hand the quest but wont choose the rewards , he keeps open the quest and close it again and again , switched to defult cc and it works , any idea why im facing this problem?
Im using this for leveling and the bot just runs up to the target and never does anything. It just targets the mob over and over
Here are several potential bugs and questions for 3.0BT on the latest Honorbuddy as of 1-3-2012 (Christmas Version #2 I believe; The test was done on the new BH25 boss in a 20 man raid.

Settings on Attempt #1:

Settings on Attempt #2:

Observed potential bugs:
1) Sweeping strikes/Whirlwind/Cleave being used on single targets instead of Heroic Strike. See Attempt #1 log. Workaround is to force Single Target rotation. In Attempt #1 log, I forced it midfight and that's when cleaves stopped. Whirlwinds still used on Single Target, even with Forced Single Target rotation. Attempt #2 had a forced single target rotation.
2) No golemblood potion being used on BL/Heroism. I try to pre-pot and did for both attempts. The cooldown was available a long time before heroism was used, at around 25% (or, 3m after the fight began).
3) 3.0BT is not using engineer glove enchant on CD. Presumably not coded or planned to be added. Is this supposed to be manually used? Deadly calm is never used either, and neither is Recklessness on single target (but has an option for AOE). Are both supposed to be used manually?
4) What is the priority of the Arms PVE rotation? It appears that bladestorm is used on single targets, followed by Rend, Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike, and Overpower. Confirm?
5) Whirlwind and Slam are used on single target fights as Arms. Is this correct? Slam isn't used much assumably, but WW? This happens in both single target and AOE (even by forcing single target)
6) Will there be an option to use Inner Rage on Single Target for usage as a rage dump for the T13 set? Shattering throw and Heroic Throw?

There's also the observed bug of the CC not working on some fights such as Madness, but the workaround is to increase the combat distance to 100 yards instead of the default 10.

See attachments.


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Keeping Rend up > Colossus Smash > Mortal Strike > Overpower > Slam

Heroic Strike used only with 60/70+ rage with battle trance or Deadly calm.

Bladestorm is NOT for Single target.
Keeping Rend up > Colossus Smash > Mortal Strike > Overpower > Slam

Heroic Strike used only with 60/70+ rage with battle trance or Deadly calm.

Bladestorm is NOT for Single target.

In that case, there is something wrong with the latest 3.0 BT.

Both logs have Bladestorm used constantly (almost on CD) on a ST fight (Alibibal or whatever; crazy hindu sword chick who hates everything and everyone). I've never seen this CC use Deadly Calm but I do believe HS is used on Battle Trance.

Otherwise, the rotation appears to be fine. I don't see Whirlwind in the logs, but I know for a fact it was used at least 7 to 10 times. I couldn't get Skada to dump my logs or I'd have posted those too. Cleave being used on ST fights (as well as Sweeping Strikes) doesn't seem right either.
Just ran a heroic as prot and the bot only wanted to cast thunder clap / demo shout / cleave and rarely ever casted revenge or shield slam. I had to weave them in manually.

Even on Single Target boss fights.


Thank you all for your very detailed feedback!

We're working on v3.1 which will include fixes for the issues reported.
Thank you all for your very detailed feedback!

We're working on v3.1 which will include fixes for the issues reported.
Great work so far Wownerds, just a quick question; Mind sharing what solution is implemented for the T13 2-setter in Fury and Arms? I can imagine that players would like to get Inner Rage casted before your cc uses heroic strike, but I'm not so sure on whats actually the best way to use it.
Great work so far Wownerds, just a quick question; Mind sharing what solution is implemented for the T13 2-setter in Fury and Arms? I can imagine that players would like to get Inner Rage casted before your cc uses heroic strike, but I'm not so sure on whats actually the best way to use it.
best way would be to use double CastSpell command that casts Inner Rage then Heroic Strike-
Found the best way to fix any odd rotational bugs if you find your bot was doing the rotation properly once, but then mucks up is to delete the settings files (for the CC only) and reload your HB.

Great work so far wownerds! Looking forward to 3.1 :D
About stance, if you are doing furry is it possible to change stance to charge a mob eg. in a dungeon?
i do like.... no dps in dungeons because there is a 1 sec delay before it starts to move and even 2-3 seconds before it reaches the creeps