I don't report botters. But I do whisper them and say "Hey, HonorBuddy eh? Not bad, if not, you will get caught" lol
What if you go in the ah and see all the ore selling for 2/3 cheaper then it should be, and there are like 100's of stacks. Then you /who the person and see they are in twilight. You then proceed to whisper them and tell them to chill the fuck out on the ah, and they are fucking up the prices. Then they don't answer so you find them in twilight and put them on follow, hoping that the actual botter will hop on and talk to you. But they don't...... What then?
Youre a little hypocritical faggot and they should just bann u from botting with gb or hb.
I bet my left bollock on it that you also have ninja turned on. Because that's the little greedy fuck u are.
Edit: thinking about it. You're that retard who ruined his school career and shit by playing to much wow huh? Poor chap, you should keep reporting people who make use of the program that offered you redemption. Dumb fuck.
Then you have just wasted your afternoon, stalking some random guy who probably already has a ton of reports on his ass. Rather than wasting your time on him, you should have figured out a better way to get rid of your ores and possibly even make more gold than you would have if you hadn'tIn the end its not in your place to demand what another person should or shouldnt sell his stuff for, just make the best of the situation.
As far as reporting other botters goes, no i don't, but not because of some super kewl botter-bro-code saying i shouldnt because i bot myself, but simply because im to god'damn lazy!(which is why i bot in the first place)
If it is extremely obvious that someone is botting I whisper them and tell them to fix their settings. I am on a very high pop server with tons of people botting, countless times while I'm herbing in uldum I see 2-5 people simultaneously drop out of the sky onto the same node. Not only is it obvious that your botting, but with so many people running the same profile and all ninjaing, they eventually will sync up and be going for the same node at the same time. So, not only are you exponentially increasing your chances of getting reported, you are drawing more and more attention to the botting community. The bigger the problem blizz thinks there is the more they are going to try and correct it. If you don't want to be safe and care about your own account at least do it for all of ours. If people are botting like retards I absolutely report them. For your own safety please do as well.
I bought all his ore so prices wouldnt drop to shit, probably spent a good 10k gold.... then he put 100's more back on the ah for cheaper then before... Yes it's my problem for buying it all up, but dude, seriously, we all love botting and making gold and doing all the shit we dont want to waste our time doing in the first place. But honestly i just prospected the ore and donated the gems to our guild.
so you are saying you report other botters?
if a botter is lvling or useing AB and therefor not messing up the AH then i can care less about them botting but if they farm for gold i report them
thats the good partwell i cant...i left wow about 2 weeks ago
What are people's thoughts on seeing other bots in your farming area?
...it isnt YOUR farming area.
...you never report a FELLOW botter.
Dude, if you wanna be like that your whole life, its gonna be a hard ride lol