First of all thanks for all responses so far (yet again).
Also thanks Hawker for reacting while I guess you are experiencing stressfull times with the upcoming release.
I'm making a crude, very black and white comparison now.
I would like to have the sourcecode to HonorBuddy2 please.
I can't see what's inside the .exe, the used dll's etc etc and don't know what it does.
You use dll's too in HB itself.
What tells me that one of the devs of HB2 get a "blackout", decides to abuse the dll's used and put a keylogger/virus/your poison here into the library.
All members are cooked, and you have a problem as being the liable one.
You ask us to trust you (and your team), but meanwhile you don't trust the CC developers (in a way, don't take it all literary).
So HB developers are allowed to use .dll libraries and the CC developers (that are in facto a part of the Dev team) are not allowed to use them.
As I said before and I will say it again: the CC's make part of HB what it is today.
Besides this little smirk I still wonder if it would not be possible to encrypt the CC's that HB can read, but users can't without a proper key.
This way both sides get a bit what they want, protection of the code and no dll's.
Maybe you have not yet realized it ... but actually Bossland GmbH is liable with 25.000 EUR put in that company for any keylogger/virus shit that could be provided with our software.
We can allow .dll's, but
- you have to verify yourself with postal ID service
- you have to pay couple thousand Euro as an guarantee for any harm that can come along with your CC
- you have to sign an contract, underwriting you are personal liable for any phising or scam that can come along with your work
in the end, i do not even know why there was any .dll support, i would never have allowed that, hawker too.
Now to CCs as source and Profiles as XML.
With the same argument you could ask us to make Profiles .dll's to secure your work, because they have unique spots, which are not known by other ppl, and you do not want to share them as a source code.
But, you could also write a good CC, publish it and ask for paid unique support on your webpage, where you offer your customers 100 % player dependend settings, and the users out there, most of them actually, would be happy to spend couple of $ to have an unique set CC for their char.
However the protection argument does not count at all, with a good strategy you are able to make unique content and earn at least reputation with it.
If someone copy/pastes your code, and sells the CC on any webpage - as his own. This is no problem at all.
1) This user will be warned / banned / hammered!
2) Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy are european brands, i can force any seller who uses HB or GB to shut down his webpage, or his provider. Which will be only done on abusive practices like reselling someone others work.
More questions ? Don't hesitate.