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DemonBuddy Release Date!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...

The last time that the buddy team said that a product would be out on a certain day, that bot was delayed close to 4 months. The decision to delay the bot was made on the exact day they said they were going to release. That bot went live yesterday...

The dev's aren't very likely to make that mistake again, but I wouldn't expect them to give a date until you see a new thread with a link to the store where you can buy the bot.

Srsly? lol... hopefully today is the day... And hopefully its faster then the jar run I currently saw... From the past Bossland Products were always the best.. Hopefully it will be with D3 too ^^
The problem in item farming is, that the really valuable items are dropping in inferno act3-4... If they can create a bot, which can farm this, I would pay 100,- ?.
After 60 hours in inferno act1 the most valuable item was worth 200.000G for me... Only crap.. No weapon above 400dps

With the ingame RMAH Gold will be worthless.. Afaik you can sell gold in the RMAH too.... Lets see how prices will be if 5000 People want to sell 10 Million Gold each... And everybody wants to be the cheapest ;)

Doing it wrong. Farm act 3 seigebreaker runs act 1 drops crap loot. I solo 5 stacks of valor then kill siege breaker out of 5 runs i generally get 1~2 1k~ dps weapons more often than not there 2 handers though i have had a few life on hit 1k 1 handers (big sellers for ppl trying to gear up monks)
Srsly? lol... hopefully today is the day... And hopefully its faster then the jar run I currently saw... From the past Bossland Products were always the best.. Hopefully it will be with D3 too ^^
why do you say "to day is the day"?
there isn't even an release day and i can't find an officale topic about that.
but i am hoping that you are right mate :3
Hawker said that they are trying to release it this weekend and if not, Monday at the latest. It's in one of the other Diablo 3 threads.
Chulie, that is not at all what Hawker said...You can see Hawker's exact quote in the first post of this thread.
Fair if u ask me, since developers need to work on it all the time for improvements, so it`s not just one time job.

But the game integrity is not that of an MMO. The community etc will not withstand the tests of time. So annually, or per license will be about the same. Regardless of pricing decided. No matter what you know you will get a quality product.
I highly doubt they will need as many devs for the continuation upkeep of this bot as Im sure it will plateau.
It's OK though they are patching today so they will need the rest of the day to get the servers up and "running" again and another 2-3 days to fix log in issues. So this basically leaves the weekend (which we could be drunk during and completely loose track of time). The real issue is probably going to be getting online into D3 more so then not being able to farm gold. D:
Awsome Pic :P
Delayed to beginning of next week, when Gold is worthless at 1-2$ per million and RMAH starts... Well done.. Just bought an alternative, seems bossland wont have my money :(
well i made 8000usd until now :) i botted for 2 weeks. 2 weeks back it was going for 25usd pr mill now its 7usd pr mill last night 5.5. so its gone abit up.
Well guys it will only take a few days be4 price drops.

in the long term i seriously doubt you guys will make cash from D3.

Given the way some ppl use 30 bots in WoW i'd say it's a fast drop of income........
Diablo 3 Immortal bot seems to be dead now. Blizzard seems to be cleaning up bots before launching Warden with the new patch. Already opened refund ticket against VS because 7 days or Lifetime is an incomplete software :P
well i made 8000usd until now :) i botted for 2 weeks. 2 weeks back it was going for 25usd pr mill now its 7usd pr mill last night 5.5. so its gone abit up.

8k? I find that hard to believe.

If your serious about making money with d3 you have to be in it for the long hawl.
In the upcoming weeks goldfarming will become very unprofitable and farming items will take over due to the RMAH.

Although the drops are down to RNG, this will provide a much more stable income if you know what your doing. (no more scrambling to sell your gold before the price drops) This is where demonbuddy wins. A safe, stable bot that will do its job well and do so for a long period of time.
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