hey FPS love the CC 5 boxing this very second and all my CC's except for the shammy are yours. I am having a few issues with drood and warrior but ill address warrior here and drood in the proper forum. My Warrior CC is running great however it will over shoot targets. Meaning it will target something and then in an attempt to get to the mob she will run past it and aggro the mobs behind it. Luckily im heals heavy and typically can survive it however it can make the instance take a lot longer then need be imo. hoping it is CC related and not mesh related. Just to make sure i am running on a fresh install of HB2 but its still doing it.
I plan on rewriting this CC eventually. I won't be updating this build.
Chose Fpsware Warrior(0.0.9) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Starting the bot!
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
Pull Max Distance set to 5.7
Pull Min Distance set to 3.5
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
is the error i'm getting when i hit start..
I have the "Default Warrior" in my CC folder and I can click on "class config" and mess with all the warrior settings. Any reason why it would be doing this? Thanks.