An issue i have for some reason - sometimes the bot will charge / pull the mob, and just autoattack it without doing anything at all.
Sometimes after that it will repeat it with next mob, other times it will "fix" itself.
Gets a bit annoying on yellow mobs since some can kill bot easily without abilities used.
So far i cant find any reason for this.
not posting log because there is nothing there - it says "Pulling" and then "casting spell" that refers to charge. Then its empty until next pull.
I am experiencing the same "auto-attack" issue that has been mentioned above. In addition, I've found the bot does not use Victory Rush at all which I would think to be CRUCIAL to a botting Warrior as it heals the Warrior for a significant amount (20% of max health). Between Victory Rush and usage of Regeneration, the bot should almost never have to rest in between kills.
I am having an issue, I do not know if I should ask here, or in the ArchaeologyBuddy forums.
I use this CC with AB, and sometimes everything works great. I am fury spec, and all abilities are used, victory rush, whirlwind, bloodthirst, its all good. But then sometimes its like the CC isnt active at all. All I do is auto attack.
Any suggestions?
fpsware, i don't know if its a bug, or just the way "Party Bot" works, but sometimes my Warrior takes a few seconds to attack (im mainly concerened about in IB)
Or is it just the way it is?
Awesome. Thank you very much for the quick response. Is there anything I can do to resolve the bug when it happens? I find if I stop and start the bot a couple of times, sometimes the CC picks up and starts, and sometimes it doesn't. Anything else I can do?
I have looked at some other CCs, but I don't think any others will work with ArchaeologyBuddy. They will not face targets, and they do not have range checks, and only a couple work with fury spec. As of right now, I stopped the bot and started it again, and it is currently working properly.