the druid isntance buddy's great (feral) and will emergency heal as needed.
The only problem that I see is that when it can mount it will use the cheetah speed. Thats OK, but it keeps casting cheetah / panther / cheetah / panther etc until its out of mana.
log attached, look at the end. This is in UK. No, I don't test outside of instances.
Oh 1 more thing... its that name thing again (for attachments)
you have code that is like "cast regrowth on %t" can you change it to "cast regrowth on you", or party member"
I had to go and replace the names of my toons and other ppl.
- Kick
also, i don't know if the bot has swipe in its rotation (adds >=3 or 4) but if would be nice if its not currently.