Evening everyone,
I took a hack at the Sorc Lightning.cs in my poorly geared Sorc (190ish blues). The original posted 1217 DPS (16.4 Actions per minute) over a 23 min starparse run. The one I'm posting posted 3088 DPS (30.1 APM) over 10 minutes. The original never built the Focal Lightning buff, my version holds it at 5 stacks. Happy zapping =]
P.S. I added some specific star parse info to the OP build that I posted. I can't run the default routine to compare, as I was silly and wrote over it...
Sorry for the confusion, can you please post the Lethality.cs, that's the one I can't compare. =]
Spell.HealGround("Salvation", ret => Targeting.ShouldAoeHeal)
This still does nothing for me. No go for Salvation.
Healing in general is still pretty horrid on target selection and speed. I think buddywing just isn't made for healing...back to dps! I can't even begin to tweak the routines to make it better because it just simply doesn't follow the rotation properly. Random target selections (NEVER wants to target self so I die because I don't heal myself, if I try to manually heal myself it's wanting to target some random player at 100% health).
What routine is that in? Did a search and unless I've already updated it since the last release, I get 0 results.
Maybe this is quite a big ask (i've had zero time to be playing atm due to work so not been able to have a look) but in continuation to your solo mode, it would be very nice to have a mode for healing classes that prioritises attacking over healing?
I can do this now by using my old manual targeting version of DC but it's a pain having to switch between them all the time etc etc.