Testing this while I type the message. I will update this post as long as I have time to watch the bot.
Series Testing Round 1:
Testing Environment: HB existing installation.
CustomClass: Singular2 SVN (rev. 605) + ILoveAnimals 2.4 by HandNavi.
Enabled Plug-ins: Refreshment Detection and Bug Submitter (All other plug-ins are disabled).
Other variables: I've cleared the meshfiles for Stratholme just to make sure it's all new and fresh.
Round 1:
It was doing fine up to the point where it killed ramstein.
The doors opened and the bot ran inside after killing a few (not all) of the non-elites waves.
While the Black Guard Sentries were parading outside, the bot was trying to get into the Baron's chambers (and the doors were sealed ofc).
I had to stop the bot, kill the sentries, the baron, bring myself back outside and reset the instance.
Round 2:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 3:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Noticed 1 thing (nothing important). After killing the Baron, for some reason it starts looting some (not all) of the Abominations outside while on it's way out.
I've seen this happen on round 2 as well even though looting is switched off.
Round 4:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Same short looting on Abominations as round 2 and 3 so it seems to happen.
Round 5:
Am going out for about 40 minutes (RL things).
Check my loot in bags to determin the amount of runs it made when I'm back.
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Loot thingy.
Round 6:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Loot thingy.
Round 7:
Got stuck on 2 lantern poles and a directional sign on his way out.
HB didn't detect stuck so no unstuck procedures.
He must've been stuck there for about 15 minutes looking at the logs.
Some errors in the logs about "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException" and "InvalidObjectPointerException".
A manual side move was enough to get him going again.
Round 8:
More or less same as round 1.
It took a very long time to kill the Abominations, and it seemed for a moment it would miss 1 (timer was running out, but it came in aggro range).
It killed Ramstein this time, but went inside to the Baron's chambers while the non-elites are walking outside, probably due to that same timer ran out.
I had to stop the bot, kill the non-elites, the sentries, the baron, bring myself back outside and reset the instance.
I will restart HB to see if the exceptions that happened the last round are not the cause of this.
Round 9:
HB restarted.
No stucks on the lantern poles on it's way out.
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Loot thingy is something else I realized after keeping an eye on the HB details.
The looting occurs until the second timer runs out after the Baron is killed.
As soon as the coordinates for the entrance appear in status, the looting stops.
So this is no loot thingy, but programmed behaviour.
Round 10:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 11:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 12:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 13:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 14:
It missed 1 abomination, therefor getting stuck at the door (as you predicted)
The timer ran out while not having killed em all.
After I manually killed the last one (while leaving the bot running) and kept him outside till all non-elites were dead and the sentries came it went on it's jolly way.
Seems that it's not 100% trustable how it's setup now.
It went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
btw this round dropped
Runeblade of Baron Rivendare - Item - World of Warcraft
Round 15:
It killed everything up to Ramstein, but missed the Sentries, therefor running around the door of the Baron's chambers.
After forcing it outside to kill the sentries it continued to kill baron, and went outside the instance for a reset.
Since it's the second miss I decided to restart HB yet again (close and restart).
Looking in the logs shows another "TargetInvocationException" and "InvalidObjectPointerException" at the same timeframe as Ramstein and the sentries.
Round 16:
HB restarted.
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 17:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 18:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 19:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Round 20:
Finished properly, went out and reset the instance and went back inside.
Conclusion so far (am still running this but with a different CC):
It works, but not 100% AFK-able (at least not for my setup).
Due to HB errors (the exceptions) and missing abominations in the set timer, it fails to complete it 100% all the time.
My biggest concern are those errors.
It seems they are the biggest cause for the profile to fail.
Once they occur in the logs, it gets stuck or misses essential mobs to kill in order to progress trough to the Baron.
Question is, where do they come from?
I will try another CC later to see if the issue lies in there (though I suspect not).
There always seem to be 9 Abominations, however the are not always the same kind so we can't make a profile on that because it's different every time.
The balance between Venom Belchers and Bile Spewers is not constant enough to be able to be used.
If they can be tossed together on a heap for killcount, then we could try a grindarea to kill 9 of these?
Ramstein is always spawning after the 9 kills so that could be used for a killcount/progress check.
There are always 4 sentries, so that could be used for killcount too (at least if those results are accurately counted).
Series Testing round 2:
Testing Environment: HB existing installation.
CustomClass: HazzDruid v3.9.2.
Enabled Plug-ins: HazzFace (CC Requirement), Refreshment Detection and Bug Submitter (All other plug-ins are disabled).
Other variables: Made a clean PC restart so everything is cleared out of memory.
Round 1:
In Progress... Failed due to CC.
Test aborted!
The CC has problems moving to targets while having aggro. It's just standing and waiting doing nothing.
Therefor the test can't be concluded with this CustomClass since it would require manual interference all the time.