yes, its your thread, it will continue to be your thread.@CodenameG,
That would be great, I am not sure which would be the best place of use for this, I will leave that up to you. Umm, will I still have access to edit the post? Like add more video links?
Thanks for the tutorial. If you know how, can you make a video on how to add ComboBoxes in the GUI?
Again, thanks for putting the effort to help the community![]()
What do you want to know specifically?
Pretty much the entire process, I can add the ComboBox in the GUI but I get lost at how exactly to convert the different values into strings and save and store them in the settings. Haven't found a good example of how to do this anywhere.
There you go.
This is pretty simple and basic!
This does:
Save instantly when you change the selected index and prompts you with a message box.
Save the settings when you close it to the file.
Yeah...that's it^^
Please leave any comments below and if you know more then I do please re-cap what I've said or correct me if I am wrong. [/B]
public static bool HasAuraWithMechanic(this WoWUnit unit, params WoWSpellMechanic[] mechanics)
WoWAuraCollection auras = unit.GetAllAuras();
return auras.Any(a => mechanics.Contains(a.Spell.Mechanic));
public static bool HasHealingSpellAura
return StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HasAuraWithMechanic(WoWSpellMechanic.Healing);
Edit: The second code should look like this instead:
public static bool HasHealingSpellAura
return HasAuraWithMechanic(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, WoWSpellMechanic.Healing);
public static bool HasAuraWithMechanic([COLOR=#ff0000]this [/COLOR]WoWUnit unit, params WoWSpellMechanic[] mechanics) { WoWAuraCollection auras = unit.GetAllAuras(); return auras.Any(a => mechanics.Contains(a.Spell.Mechanic)); }[/LEFT]