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[CoRo-Frost] A Combat Coroutine For Frost Death Knights

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I should try to make an UH profile.

I was absolutely beasting DPS last night in mythic SoO with this DW profile. It wasn't even close for the competition :)
Dagradt has not finished the settings UI yet, so its as-is with the 4 hotkey modifiers.

Just start and Shift-E to enable CDs, and Shift-R to enable 'Simple' mode. Nothing else to be customized.
No problem. Altered for my personal use but figured why not give out so everyone else has something to use as well. It's not like I did any of the hard work my self :).

I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to incorporate Blood Boil in the AOE rotation, if only once to spread diseases. Pestilence worked off the spell CD, but BB doesn't have one other than rune availability. In the meantime I'm just forcing it manually during encounters.

Pestilence works off a timer, not off the CD of the spell.
last i checked Enyo dont work but ill grab check it im using Enyo the replacement
wtf its not letting type in Enyo

Edit:ok got Ty installed an hmm cr isnt saveing settings at all but ill try Cr on nor see if that part is working ill up a Log

Edit ok using TYr an its working but still not saveing settings

Per previous posts, GUI is for show only at this time.
I should try to make an UH profile.

I was absolutely beasting DPS last night in mythic SoO with this DW profile. It wasn't even close for the competition :)

Way ahead of you, if you'd like, hit me up on Skype so I can get you a copy.
Thread Update

>> Update: 10/23/2014 @1100 <<

Currently I'm testing out potential raid styles and seeing how Mastery is stacking as there are no increase items. Playing with Haste as well but, I should have a rotation out for you all to test Saturday. I'll be wiping any additional usage in the CR outside of damage abilities and non-GCD spells. Back to basics and we'll work our way back up form there. Unholy should be out soon after but, no set status on two handed usage as the damage is still crappy.
Last edited:
>> Update: 10/23/2014 @1100 <<

Currently I'm testing out potential raid styles and seeing how Mastery is stacking as there are no increase items. Playing with Haste as well but, I should have a rotation out for you all to test Saturday. I'll be wiping any additional usage in the CR outside of damage abilities and non-GCD spells. Back to basics and we'll work our way back up form there. Unholy should be out soon after but, no set status on two handed usage as the damage is still crappy.
well glad to here that look forward to testing it out ty.
"Logging.Write(Colors.Red, "Hello {0}", Me.Name);"
Should probably change that to Me.SafeName so people uploading their logs blindly won't give away their ingame name. :confused:
Why does the rotine use horn of winter so manny time ?

As previously stated, this routine has not yet been updated. Still working 70 - 90 hour weeks so I'll get it done as soon as I can. Please use the one CrappyBotter posted for an updated usage.
"Logging.Write(Colors.Red, "Hello {0}", Me.Name);"
Should probably change that to Me.SafeName so people uploading their logs blindly won't give away their ingame name. :confused:

You're probably right. Then again I've used the same intro for the past four years. I'll add it to my to-do list.
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