We will P few of us are using a small update that Crappybotter did for it.>> Update 10/29/2014 @0732 <<
Sorry guys/gals, I'm simply not getting a foot hold off of work to revise the routine. I'm doing my best, please remain patient!
We will P few of us are using a small update that Crappybotter did for it.
Edit chance we can add auto buff horn of winter so it keeps buff active i totaly forget to click it Lol
Madcatz,We will P few of us are using a small update that Crappybotter did for it.
Edit chance we can add auto buff horn of winter so it keeps buff active i totaly forget to click it Lol
Great im waiting>> Update 10/31/2014 @0828 <<
New rotation has been added and is under testing by my alpha team.
Why does it cast Horn of winter (non stop) also is there a reason why it doesn't save anything I change in the config? when i reopen config all the settings are unchecked.
use the updated Ver of the Cr from Crappybotter its on page 8-13 i think in that area it was just a small fix to get it working after the patch Dagradt is working on the updated ver on front page.will be done soon i hope.Ya the horn of winter auto cast is a pain in the ole butt lol... annoying to loot etc after killing lol. But ya just pause it then continue.. hopefully it gets fixed.
Samu,i still get that horn of crap bug so this profile seems to be broken and i cant find the right working version of crappybotter?
this Cr isnt updated for 2h frost spec it was only fixed for Crappybotter as he was Dw frost spec an he fixed it for himself as he was waiting for Dagradt to get enough time to update an finish his project.an Crappybotter was nice enough to up his fix for the rest of us to use as there was no Dw frost spec Cr after the patch.I noticed when I use this on 2h frost it doesnt use obliterate when KM is on over frost strike. I know using dw is better for frost strike but I only got 2h atm mythic so I would rather make it so obliterate is used when a KM is proced instead of fs.
how do i go about doing this.
also i noticed when i start on a boss in mythic SoO and i need to move away this thing wont let me ....it tries to run back to the boss to attack because it doesnt want to break its rotation. I rather live and not die then do constant dps lol. I unchecked click to move in enyo and this still happens.