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Coding a Thankless Job (Donations)

What do you feel the average tip should be for a great bot?

  • None, I paid already!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Throw a few bucks at them. (3-5 dollars)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Good skills should not go unappreciated (5-10 dollars)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • (10-18 dollars)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nobody has skills like HonorBuddy Elite Bot Developers (20-30 dollars)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Let's keep in mind all the coding done by members is on a volunteer basis meaning they know what they are doing will not be compensated. A simple thankyou should suffice, if not then your in the wrong line of work. unless your bossland, your not going to make a living off this forum creating free plugins and addons. With all of that aside, everything I try I do thank the creator. Just my 2 cents.

Where is the thankyou option on your poll? Seems pretty one sided to me. if you want to donate then donate, dont make a mountain out of a mole hill.
the problem comes with the trade off of, how do i make it more advanced without the user having to tell me any information? its balancing game.

... wish I knew enough about it to offer a helpful/useful suggestion but I don't. But knowing ^ that kind of helps me understand why the default cc's are the way they are.
Simple, multiple if/switch statements. If done correctly could detect pretty nuch anything about the user and create a good routine.
Let me just add that HB/GB owner/devs are very supportive of their dev base, at least thats the feeling I have regarding my personal experience, they are the ones that provide the most feedback from all other bots I have used before, aid you finding bugs, give ideas on how to solve problems and sometimes even solving them for you. Thanks!

On the other hand, monetary compensation from personal users isnt a bad idea, at least from those who can afford it (everyone here can afford it, but some, more than others). Ultimately it comes down to "if you demand something, even if only help, then you should also give something back", but as always, its up to each user.

On paid plugins/profiles, I think that if someone gives back to comunity (such as a dev), he should also be able to use those without HAVING to pay the full price for it, if anything, at least for a single license, like HB/GB.
well i'm happy to pay for a bot that works, no problem in that :D set a price and i pay if the software is worth it :D hehe and HB/GB us truly worth evry single penny ! :D
It looks like half the people voted that they should not have to pay, maybe the HB owners could come up with some sort of solution soon, such as pay for the bots you use. I have been giving donations out as I test code and verify that I will indeed use it. I think it is very important to appreciate the hard work that goes into this applications. I have not made any money with the tools yet but when I do my donations will go up of course.
i think boss should donate to cc writers,profile writers etc. because this bot would not be any were close to were it is without these kind hearted boy that spend 20+hours making a cc(IMO)

they already promote cc devs pluginmakers profile writters with HB or free wow keys
they already promote cc devs pluginmakers profile writters with HB or free wow keys

Hi Mate i hate to disagree but I have done some coding for plugins and such and all my keys and HB/GB sessions payed for by me thats why ive been quite inactive lately due to the fact all my wow accounts were frozen because i was broke.... I Had one donation the person responsible kept me in wow for a few weeks and was greatley appreciated please dont give other users the impression that all the community dev get free stuff we dont it just makes it all the harder when we see our plugins/cc's badmouthed when we pour hours of our time and money into them if you make it seem like we are being compensated for our time. and people start demanding updates and bug fixes without even providing decent info for us to use to troubleshoot problems.

OK Rant over.

sry, it just anoyed me thats all.
simple, multiple if/switch statements. If done correctly could detect pretty nuch anything about the user and create a good routine.


edit: The problem with this statement is that as a developer you can't write if statements to detect the users intent. How I use my cc might be different than how you want it work. Without users providing feedback on how they intend to use our creations its only really going to be useful for the person who is developing it.
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I would but i cant afford it, i am so poor at the moment i cant even afford to buy more wow time >.< but i generally give them a "thanks" or "nice work" if they make good work. When the money fairy smiles upon me i will share it :)
Noone would donate $100+ cuz there is no thing, that would be worth such donation.
Noone would donate $100+ cuz there is no thing, that would be worth such donation.
You don't feel that the hundreds, possibly thousands of hours(per/member) spent developing the things that make using Honorbuddy worthwhile is worth $100? I don't think you realize the hourly rate of your average for-hire code developer.
I appreciate what they have given this community, and in turn have given them a little back.
Go ahead and give me the speech of blah blah, they know they won't be compensated, blah blah. It's not that they know they won't, it's about what you can do to show that you appreciate their work. If you can give them a little bit, even $1, that's all it would take.
I've donated well over $100, not including HB Shop purchases. They deserve it, and I can give it.
I'm not flaunting my wallet size, as it is far smaller than I wish. No e-peens need to be talked about here either.

Basically, 1000s of hours have been spent, just by third-parties, making Honorbuddy sessions worth buying.
$100 to one person may be a little much for one person, but over all the devs $100 is hardly anything.
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We all have to BUY the bot if we want to use it, it's not free.
And sorry but i don't see anything soo amazing in the bot to donate 100$+ for it :)
I don't mind donating for custom made profiles etc. but not for this.
We all have to BUY the bot if we want to use it, it's not free.
And sorry but i don't see anything soo amazing in the bot to donate 100$+ for it :)
I don't mind donating for custom made profiles etc. but not for this.
Oh, you got me wrong. :)
I didn't mean donate to the HonorBuddy Dev Team. I paid for my sessions/bot. They got their money.
I meant for Third-Party components. Plugins, CCs, Profiles.
I did notice that about the Poll, it only concentrates on the "Hired Dev Team", not the "Third-Party Devs"
Tbh i would pay 100$+ for totally afk profiles, or some really sick plugins.
But atm there is nothing on the market worth 100$+
As said i'm buying my pet profiles, gathering etc.

But sadly things offered here are not worth that much money.
Tbh i would pay 100$+ for totally afk profiles, or some really sick plugins.
But atm there is nothing on the market worth 100$+
As said i'm buying my pet profiles, gathering etc.

But sadly things offered here are not worth that much money.
We're working on making 99% afk profiles and such, but there's always some tiny little thing that could go wrong.
Questing is the biggest, and hardest, but has been getting a lot done with it. Kickazz puts in a lot of time for this.
I know kick puts alot into his profiles and updating them, but he can't do much if HB team doesn't mesh things, and if there are no quest behaviours he needs. =)
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