Ban Hammer incomming
Are you trolling me or just trying to pick a fight?
the problem with the paid plugin system, and its been a problem since the idea popped into someones head, is that if ANY plugin can be sold then why would anyone put up anything for the community? instead, you'll end up with people making things for free to use the community as beta testers before cashing it in and making people pay.
paid plugins = death of free plugins.
So I quess the rest of the people that make software/games have been doing it wrong by not releasing open betas to the public to get attention to it and see some of the features before making it Pay to Play or Micro Transaction.
Also some of the Devs/Contributors has already posted they don't want money they do it for personal accomplishment and knowledge of ones ability to overcome a problem. Paid Plugin helps those coders that could use extra money and have a skill that can make it a possiblity. Sure there will be those paid plugin that are just garbage just to make a quick buck but usually those don't last long as word mouth is very much active in this forum. Heres a tip that the site/product is in need of "Standardization"
not that people are going to buy plugins for a lot, im sure that once its finally rolled out there will be people complaining about how they have to pay now, and it will be the same people who voted no up on the top.
If you make stuff that interest them or fill a need (That ****WORKS AS DESCRIBED**** and NOT with major bugs... the occasional bugs happens but that the cost of developing something as a person can't foresee everything and sometime shit happens) for a reasonable price sure they will... If not the makers of HB/GB would not be in business.
As to the bot I remember line.... it has been practically the same since I first bought HB/GB when they first rolled it out with some good thing implement as a bonus and somethings they tried to implement but are still working out the bugs. Like I said I use HB mainly for a rotation spammer when i'm out questing or resource harvesting by hand. I have no illusion expecting anything else from this bot or community. I purchased it for that exact reason and the day it stops having that functionality is they day I will say goodbye and thanks for all the memories.
Would I use this bot to AFK grind or do BG's hell no and not even during HB1 as so called described as a selling point. That is a personal preference as I see it as just asking to get your account banned... bots tend to act funny when you don't want them too.
The devs has given the users the tools to make the bot do what ever they what or need it to do as they could not forsee everything (Smart move in my eyes). Not my fault some people are too lazy to take a couple of hours to read/experiment/ or exchange ideas to get the bot to do what they want. People expect this bot to be a 1 button smash "I WIN" purples or real life currency ATM. Sure it can do that but it takes effort on the user part and the current community seems to me to expect pay x amount of money for this bot and win. Its convoluted to think that and the current post of refunds/ban proves my point.
I chose this over the other bots mainly because of the Security and that Nesox(if I spelled his name wrong I'm sorry),Main,Apoc are on the dev team I trust them not just on blind faith but from there quality of work on this and other projects they have been apart of here and other places. Nesox just because of his Mr. Fishit program I used till it finally got implemented here, Main... since he was added and the Nav system put in place this bot was generations ahead of the other bots, Apoc his knowledge and since joining the team more robust features have been finally added. Don't know if Natforth is on the team or not but his Questing tag addition helped further the old questing system to something semi usuable now. There are a few others out there that I have been impressed with and I have thanked them in there posts.
If you want me to go into detail what exactly do I mean by "Lack of Quality" I can but I know the ban-hammer is going to drop after that post if this reply doesn't earn me one. As to you CodenameG yes your bot has improved and continues to improve as your skill improves and that is to be commended. Do I sympathize with some of the CC devs... yes. In all honesty I think you all (not every asshat that post a CC but the ones that stay and pretty much are the standard goto CC's outside of the default ones.... you all took the bot from its infancy with non robust CC's and made them what they are today) should be paid from tony/bossland or who ever owns the IP of this software. You all have a thankless job and I don't envy you all.
I could all day take pop-shots and tell the contributers where their releases have failed/errors but then I would be a hypocrite in my eyes as I have not given back to the community outside of the bug ridden update to erenions profile maker that he abandon to make it fit my needs in a effort to teach me how to make plugins/profile/CC's/bots for this product and a couple of profiles for a few plugins. I am no professional coder I am interested in learning but I personally don't have the patience to do it for money nor the time. Hence why I PAYED to have someone else do it. And if I am too cheap to want to pay for something then I take the time to figure how to do it myself or ask.
Since this post is off-topic to what the OP intended I am sorry but some people don't take critisim too well apparently on this forum as proven by some of the recent bannings.