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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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is there any way to implant ICE BARRIER into the mage stuff? for the rest this is like the best CC I've met for mage.
fixed that should've fixed the impending victory, did not fix the impending victory. plain and simple he spams it and does no rotation.
Can you adjust that the character takes no opponent as target?

He turns quickly behind the target, which is very noticeable!

(Resto Druid)
keeps trying to use impending victory on level 87 tauren arms warrior im using raid bot. this seems to be happening right after i kill a monster and impending victory procs


I think it partially checked b/c none of use have lvl 90 Monks yet. I'm using it to level right now and its working fine. You can quest with it too.

using it to lvl now, am 65 atm, used it from 20 on.

questing is fine as mistweaver aswell, but the mana tea fcks you up on larger pulls.

say fe, you got 5 mobs on you, wich you can easily take, stacks add up, poof consuming mana tea...

in those few seconds, you can be death. For the rest, working nicely.

still wouldnt let it solo heal a dungeon, im still helping so it can use some improvement.
Please revert the warrior cc back from trying to fix impending victory ... kinda worse now lol
hi is it me or is feral druid a bit slow and not preforming as good as it used to it feals like it dose better if you stand a bit further away from the boss/adds
its still good just thaught id ask
Can someone explain to me how to load CLU properly? I reverted back to the older HB version suggested for CLU healing, so I don't get the pop-up window that asks if I want to use Singular or CLU. Right now, when I load HB, I select Combat, and then load the blankprofile. but in my logs it says [singular] so obviously I am not running CLU. I tried deleted Singular completely, to see if it would just default to CLU but, HB just throws an error upon running the application.
Can someone explain to me how to load CLU properly? I reverted back to the older HB version suggested for CLU healing, so I don't get the pop-up window that asks if I want to use Singular or CLU. Right now, when I load HB, I select Combat, and then load the blankprofile. but in my logs it says [singular] so obviously I am not running CLU. I tried deleted Singular completely, to see if it would just default to CLU but, HB just throws an error upon running the application.
You have to download CLU through SVN with Tortoise. Then you have to add the folder and the file you downloaded into the Routines folder inside your Honorbuddy folder.
Then when you start Honorbuddy, you load the Blank Profile you find attached to the first post, choose what you want to run (BGBuddy for Battlegrounds), then click Start, it will then ask if you want to run CLU or Singular.
If you don't want it to ask that, and just go straight to CLU, just delete the Singular-folder which is also in the Routines folder from earlier.
This is also explained in the opening post. :)

Having a small issue..this seems to work great...but my character wont turn when attacking..so if the mob goes behind me, my mage attacks dont complete cause hes out of sight behind...it wont make my guy turn to be able to attack it.
Thanks for updating warriors and the initiate combat! It's so much more effective than singular. It is also awesome on my farming accounts, except for one issue, the feral druid I am using, when he is not in cat form, he just sits there and sleeps and doesn't go into cat form. I'm at work right now, I know I should really attach a log but just checking if its something simple such as a condition that checks for being in cat form and ( NOT on low health trying to heal self or some kind of block of code where you're going for survivability that controls cat form by itself at that point. )
using it to lvl now, am 65 atm, used it from 20 on.

questing is fine as mistweaver aswell, but the mana tea fcks you up on larger pulls.

say fe, you got 5 mobs on you, wich you can easily take, stacks add up, poof consuming mana tea...

in those few seconds, you can be death. For the rest, working nicely.

still wouldnt let it solo heal a dungeon, im still helping so it can use some improvement.

You can glyph mana tea to be instant. That should help a bit. I have solo healed quite a few dungeons with it.
hi there first of awesome work with CLU.

id like to make a request regarding the feral druid rotation. could healing touch be worked into it on every Predatory Swiftness procs to take advantage of the dream of cenarius talent, and healing touch be used when nature's swiftness is off cd too. thanks alot and keep up the good work :D
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CLU is the only working, decent spriest CC. The mind flay actually works! The only problem is that it runs from mob to mob if used for leveling.

Is there any way to make the bot mount after each kill? I know it's mainly for PVE, but I'd greatly appreciate this feature! Even a workaround would work :(

Thanks <3
CLU does not recognize Guardian spec, and still goes into cat form. Also with Druid, the only spec listed under the config is Resto. There are no settings for Feral, Guardian, or Boomkin. Ofc latest version and all that jazz

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I am not sure exactly how to get this running I have this in a svn folder and it is up to date, I want to run my bot on grind mode and when i check class config on honorbuddy it still looks the same as the old one before i downloaded clu how exactly do i get this running?
Put the CLU folder and file into your Routines folder inside your Honorbuddy folder.
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