Hey CLU, the rogue routines are great, but there are a few problems with the AoE function. When setting the fan of knives to 6-8 in the class specifics, the clu routine still doesn't spam fan of knives or use crimson tempest when there are more then 6-8 adds. Also blade flurry keeps activating every 10 seconds when there are more then 2 adds, and the CLU doesn't cancel blade flurry once only one target remains. I try turning off the AoE by setting it to false, and it still seems to activate blade flurry without me doing it myself, which is what id prefer to do at the moment. But yeah a fix to the FoK and Crimson tempest during multiple targets will be a great performance boost when it comes to trash, or multiple adds during boss fights!
Also is it possible to add more options in the class specifics? such as options to use expose armor, rupture (For combat), etc.
for combat, making CLU use eviscerate instead of rupture during bladeflurry is also a dps gain, so is it possible to make CLU prioritise eviscerate when 2 targets are up, over rupture?
1. Please fix the aoe functions of CLU for rogues regarding FoK and Crimson tempest when setting amount of adds to aoe.
2. Please fix blade flurry bug, and add priority of eviscerate over rupture during bladeflurry
3. More options in class specifics tab
Other then that, CLU is by far the best routines available on HB, kudos and keep up the good work!
Edit: I will attach a log asap I can test the bot against multiple adds again once the servers restarted!
Also is it possible to add more options in the class specifics? such as options to use expose armor, rupture (For combat), etc.
for combat, making CLU use eviscerate instead of rupture during bladeflurry is also a dps gain, so is it possible to make CLU prioritise eviscerate when 2 targets are up, over rupture?

1. Please fix the aoe functions of CLU for rogues regarding FoK and Crimson tempest when setting amount of adds to aoe.
2. Please fix blade flurry bug, and add priority of eviscerate over rupture during bladeflurry
3. More options in class specifics tab
Other then that, CLU is by far the best routines available on HB, kudos and keep up the good work!
Edit: I will attach a log asap I can test the bot against multiple adds again once the servers restarted!
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