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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Hey CLU, the rogue routines are great, but there are a few problems with the AoE function. When setting the fan of knives to 6-8 in the class specifics, the clu routine still doesn't spam fan of knives or use crimson tempest when there are more then 6-8 adds. Also blade flurry keeps activating every 10 seconds when there are more then 2 adds, and the CLU doesn't cancel blade flurry once only one target remains. I try turning off the AoE by setting it to false, and it still seems to activate blade flurry without me doing it myself, which is what id prefer to do at the moment. But yeah a fix to the FoK and Crimson tempest during multiple targets will be a great performance boost when it comes to trash, or multiple adds during boss fights!

Also is it possible to add more options in the class specifics? such as options to use expose armor, rupture (For combat), etc.

for combat, making CLU use eviscerate instead of rupture during bladeflurry is also a dps gain, so is it possible to make CLU prioritise eviscerate when 2 targets are up, over rupture?

1. Please fix the aoe functions of CLU for rogues regarding FoK and Crimson tempest when setting amount of adds to aoe.
2. Please fix blade flurry bug, and add priority of eviscerate over rupture during bladeflurry
3. More options in class specifics tab

Other then that, CLU is by far the best routines available on HB, kudos and keep up the good work!

Edit: I will attach a log asap I can test the bot against multiple adds again once the servers restarted!
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Why does Impending victory never work on any of these is there a way i can make it so i can use it on cool down.
Thanks for adding back in pull logic :) you cc is so much better than singular! now make it work from lvl1 :) Thanks again for all your efforts.

is it suppose to spam in the log? I know you want logs just wondering.
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
[CanCast] Blessing of Kings 20217
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
[CanCast] Blessing of Kings 20217
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
Stopping the bot!
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Just wanted to say thanks for this! This is by far my favorite feature about HB. At first I thought it was awful because the healing was soooo slow! But then I just saw the post to revert HB to an older version, and now my heals are flawless. I am loving it! Thanks again.

The only thing I am having an issue with, and maybe this has something to do with my in game settings, but on fights where I have to move around a lot, I am having loads of trouble because the bot constantly stops my movement to heal. How do I make my movement inputs have priority over the bots healing inputs?
Hay Clu team i hate to keep posting this but its back agian. Everytime HB dose an update it seams to brake the warrior part. I have posted this like 5 othertimes and it has been fixed eachtime then a fewdays later a HB update and it sarts all over agian. Well My FPS keep droping to like 4 or 5 from 40 or 50 and it is czauseing really bad lag. like making this totaly unusable. Hear is my log GL and happy hunting.
For Fire/Arcane mages if you edit your class/spec specific XML files and add this

Buff.CastBuff("Ice Barrier", ret => true, "Ice Barrier"),

Where it is below...Then you won't have to worry about your mage anymore

public override Composite PreCombat
get {
return new Decorator(
ret => !Me.Mounted && !Me.IsDead && !Me.Combat && !Me.IsFlying && !Me.IsOnTransport && !Me.HasAura("Food") && !Me.HasAura("Drink"),
new PrioritySelector(
Buff.CastBuff("Ice Barrier", ret => true, "Ice Barrier"),
Buff.CastBuff("Molten Armor", ret => true, "Molten Armor"),
//Buff.CastRaidBuff("Dalaran Brilliance", ret => true, "Dalaran Brilliance"), //Commentet out as it is of no real importance except for 10yrd extra range.
Buff.CastRaidBuff("Arcane Brilliance", ret => true, "Arcane Brilliance"),
Item.RunMacroText("/cast Conjure Mana Gem", ret => !Me.IsMoving && !Item.HaveManaGem() && Me.Level > 50, "Conjure Mana Gem")));

Hope it helps (Also i've added Evocation to self healing list..as it helps lal)
Suggestion for the Blood DK rotation to use lichborne on low hp and rage dump with death coil instead of rune strike when it's up
Let's take Warrior Arms as an example.

When you open a CC in Routines/CLU/Classes/Warrior/Arms.cs << Now let's open that one

Go to line 106 you'll see Racials.UseRacials() now just do it like this >> //Racials.UseRacials(),

Now you have disabled Racials. This is the same for every class we have.

Yes a log would be nice thanks ^^

I will look into what you've said, blade flurry is kinda dumb because I really don't wanna make it a LUA macro again. (Turns down performence)

Hey, I just fixed it. Try now and remember to have Self-Healing on @ GUI!

remember to update to lastest!

I've added a cooldown check for both shouts, could you try again (remember to update to lastest!) and report back thanks!

Thanks a ton for the fast work. It is working flawlessly agian.
Hi i was wondering if you could show me what i need to change in your clu routine to turn off racials so i can use my self or can i just delete the racial file out of it and it still work properly thanks your friendly neighbor hood spider-bot ty tried to send you a pm Ama but ur box is full

erm...Class Config > General > Racials > Use Racials = false


is it suppose to spam in the log? I know you want logs just wondering.
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
[CanCast] Blessing of Kings 20217
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
[CanCast] Blessing of Kings 20217
[CanCast] Blessing of Might 19740
Stopping the bot!

with Diagnostic logging on yes..Honorbuddys logging not CLU.

Wulf, maybe you can answer if CLU casts Beacon automatically on the main tank?
(As Holy Paladin)

As Ama said, you can use healing helper..just click the tank as maintank. But you shouldn't need to do this in PvE as CLU will automagicly select the best tank be it in LFR or 5 mans, etc and apply beacon. PvP it does not automaticicly apply beacon to tank yoou will have to do it manually.
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Mend Pet

Hey Guys,

Great work on the CC Been working like a charm.

I've just come back to playing my hunter again and i noticed that mend pets not working.
The code you have cannot tell if the pet has the mend pet buff already and thus keep casting till the pet is above the mendpet %. but i'm sure you already know this.

However if you change Line 85 in Hunter\Common.cs to
Spell.CastSpell("Mend Pet", ret => Me.GotAlivePet && (Me.Pet.HealthPercent < CLUSettings.Instance.Hunter.MendPetPercent) && [COLOR=#ff0000][U]!Me.Pet.HasAura("Mend Pet")[/U][/COLOR], "Mend Pet"),
it should solve this problem.

Thanks for all the work you've been putting into these routines and keep up the good work


Fix for mend pet thanks macphee..I was...too...lazy :P
Hey... the CC it self seems to work great. love the rotate and does what it needs to do. However when I run CLU it causes me to have lag spikes every second or 2. I have tested this with different programs such as raid bot and lazy raider. and other CC's do not cause this same issue. I would like to continue to use CLU so was wondering if there was any way to prevent this problem from continuing. Thanks.
I added this line to get it to cast Sacred Shield on me, and refresh it once it's out, and only when I'm taking damage:
Spell.CastSpell("Sacred Shield", rest => Me, ret => Me.HealthPercent < 99 && !Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Sacred Shield"), "Sacred Shield"),
Just thinking out loud here but would it be possible to have the hunter cc pause when a trap is selected to cast
Thanks wulf for the answer, just concerned me. Can we get a setting for warriors using heroic throw, heroic leap, charge .. mine seems to body pull. Actually maybe all classes need a setting as what to use to pull? Thanks for your great cc.
Has anyone tried out the Ama CLU Mistweaver Healing specs yet in Heroics? I am level 87 atm but as soon as I am 90 I will be testing this vigorously. Just wanted to know how it's working in Heroics.

Let's take Warrior Arms as an example.

When you open a CC in Routines/CLU/Classes/Warrior/Arms.cs << Now let's open that one

Go to line 106 you'll see Racials.UseRacials() now just do it like this >> //Racials.UseRacials(),

Now you have disabled Racials. This is the same for every class we have.

Yes a log would be nice thanks ^^

I will look into what you've said, blade flurry is kinda dumb because I really don't wanna make it a LUA macro again. (Turns down performence)

Hey, I just fixed it. Try now and remember to have Self-Healing on @ GUI!

remember to update to lastest!

I've added a cooldown check for both shouts, could you try again (remember to update to lastest!) and report back thanks!

Impending victory still not working will UL a log soon as I clean one :(
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