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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Asdboy12 post a log, tell us why it is fail. Use criticism that helps not just saying it is fail. Also on the first post is it tested or even implemented. Read before you post.
Sorry for letting you wait that long. ;)
I mainly looked at the priority in the code, and it kinda shocked me. ^^
The priority as of now looks like that:

HS > BT > WS > CS > EXE > SB > RB

Although it should be

BT > CS > Exe > RB > SW > IV > HS > WS + BS

Explains easily: BT is used on cooldown, CS if its debuff is not up. Raging Blow as much as possible. Raging Blow does roughly 60k-100k noncrit on my warrior whereas 3x WS does ~ 45-70k. So u prioritize RB + Shockwave/Impending Victory over WS which you cant even use w/o BS procc. HS if rage is > 80 with endless rage glyph. if DC is up use it if rage is > 60.
Ever thought about the DPR of WS? its somewhere around 300 - 500 without BS procc and ~1600-3000 with procc. its dpr-wise by far the worst style of a warrior. :)
is anyone having issues with there DK it is not working at all on mine know and was working perfect 2 days ago
try a fresh hb install. and sure u are using plugins or has installed at least one
[21:44:36.302 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[21:44:36.315 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.Plugins.HBPlugin> - Initializing
[21:44:36.711 D] Lua failed! Status: 
last line is definetly not an clu issue, this is from an plugin, and it fails at attaching (like clu does)
so it is not an CLU issue itself
try a fresh hb install. and sure u are using plugins or has installed at least one

last line is definetly not an clu issue, this is from an plugin, and it fails at attaching (like clu does)
so it is not an CLU issue itself

I'm using raidbot so no plugins are being enabled by the bot. I'll try a fresh install.
My assassination rogue applies DoTs correctly. My affliction lock does what your mage does.

Would it happen to be on Ultraxx? I found it only happened on Ultraxx after I used the button and it seems the CC kind of got confused or wasn't getting the correct info from HB for the rotation. I don't know why.
Would it happen to be on Ultraxx? I found it only happened on Ultraxx after I used the button and it seems the CC kind of got confused or wasn't getting the correct info from HB for the rotation. I don't know why.

Nope it was on a dummy and then lootship.
Hey guys --

Used this on my resto shaman -- this may have already been addressed -- and I noticed it kept casting Earth Shield on the tank while using LazyRaider. Other than that it worked out really well. Seemed to have just a tiny bit of an issue dropping the healing rain area. Kept clicking a few times, then finally dropped it.


Hey guys --

Used this on my resto shaman -- this may have already been addressed -- and I noticed it kept casting Earth Shield on the tank while using LazyRaider. Other than that it worked out really well. Seemed to have just a tiny bit of an issue dropping the healing rain area. Kept clicking a few times, then finally dropped it.

- [T] Elemental (4.3.x)
- [T] Elemental (4.3.x)
- [T] Enhancement (4.3.x)

They haven't updated the CC for shaman for 5.0.4. I'm sure they're working on it and your log will help them make the necessary changes. For now you can use ShamWoW as it has been updated for 5.0.4. It is located in the Shaman-specific subforum.
- [T] Elemental (4.3.x)
- [T] Elemental (4.3.x)
- [T] Enhancement (4.3.x)

They haven't updated the CC for shaman for 5.0.4. I'm sure they're working on it and your log will help them make the necessary changes. For now you can use ShamWoW as it has been updated for 5.0.4. It is located in the Shaman-specific subforum.
Ah, I see. I can't believe I missed that. It's probably because he didn't have Resto shaman listed, which made me think it was supported for some reason. Well, maybe the log will help them out. It worked really well for not being supported at the moment. It just casted Earth Shield more often than it needed to, and it had a hard time placing Healing Rain, but it did place it eventually after clicking about three to five times. All in all, it worked out really well. It did about 12k HPS, while ShamWoW is currently doing about 6-7k HPS.
Ah, I see. I can't believe I missed that. It's probably because he didn't have Resto shaman listed, which made me think it was supported for some reason. Well, maybe the log will help them out. It worked really well for not being supported at the moment. It just casted Earth Shield more often than it needed to, and it had a hard time placing Healing Rain, but it did place it eventually after clicking about three to five times. All in all, it worked out really well. It did about 12k HPS, while ShamWoW is currently doing about 6-7k HPS.

Yeah that does sound good. Paladins were having a similar problem placing consecration so it may be related. Either the log will definitely help.
Ah, I see. I can't believe I missed that. It's probably because he didn't have Resto shaman listed, which made me think it was supported for some reason. Well, maybe the log will help them out. It worked really well for not being supported at the moment. It just casted Earth Shield more often than it needed to, and it had a hard time placing Healing Rain, but it did place it eventually after clicking about three to five times. All in all, it worked out really well. It did about 12k HPS, while ShamWoW is currently doing about 6-7k HPS.

My Bad..will fix typo...on another note...probably wont mean much to you guys but I have - what I hope - improved performance on this last update..some changes to the CLU core. //Thanks Apoc.

All other issues are being looked at..fyi, if you want an issue looked at faster you can submit an issue to our issue tracker..IssueTracker
I'm currently working on Warrior Arms, so far the single target rotation is complete.

Results : http://i.imgur.com/rGOsN.png (The rotation will be optimized for T14 when MoP arrives, it's not T13 optimized at all. Warrior is using the raid finder sword + full t13 raid finder)

Thanks HB9806B90! Looks impressive, I will attempt to get this in tonight. Thanks for your contribution. + rep
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