Sorry for letting you wait that long.Asdboy12 post a log, tell us why it is fail. Use criticism that helps not just saying it is fail. Also on the first post is it tested or even implemented. Read before you post.

I mainly looked at the priority in the code, and it kinda shocked me. ^^
The priority as of now looks like that:
HS > BT > WS > CS > EXE > SB > RB
Although it should be
BT > CS > Exe > RB > SW > IV > HS > WS + BS
Explains easily: BT is used on cooldown, CS if its debuff is not up. Raging Blow as much as possible. Raging Blow does roughly 60k-100k noncrit on my warrior whereas 3x WS does ~ 45-70k. So u prioritize RB + Shockwave/Impending Victory over WS which you cant even use w/o BS procc. HS if rage is > 80 with endless rage glyph. if DC is up use it if rage is > 60.
Ever thought about the DPR of WS? its somewhere around 300 - 500 without BS procc and ~1600-3000 with procc. its dpr-wise by far the worst style of a warrior.