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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Ok it has come time for me to test the lock rotations.

I know affliction is what you have worked on the most so I guess i will go through it. First thing I see is at the beginning of a fight it will of course blow cooldowns on bosses which is great but then it will cast soul burn.....It never actually uses the soul burn buff so it wastes a soul shard to start with. Lets the buff fall and continues on its massive wave of destroying whatever you have it pointed at lol. Anywho, here is a log.

Also, not sure what your plans are for the grimoires; but sacrifice seems to work fine. out of combat i had to sacrifice pet on my own but the bot is content with it being gone.

edit 1

also, it spams down haunt in the beginning not waiting for the debuff from haunt to fall off. Not sure if this would be a gain or loss of DPS.
hi Benny,

thx for report.
I ignored the buffing / sacrificing pet before combat ... u r right :), should be fixed with next release
Grimoires are completly supported atm
1st Grimoire does nothing else then calling Observer instead of Felhunter
2nd Grimoire calls a second demon on CD (everytime it's possible)
3rd Grimoire does Sacrficing
So Grimoires should be fine.
I think i fixed Haunt, but atm i need some more testing, and after that finished, i've to revert a lot of stuff to it's basics from CLU :) cause i changed and tried so much that i blowed up some routines^^
Will take some time, i don't think i can commit today, but ... everything u mentioned should be fixed in my next warlock commit
Debuff-Uptime after 13.820.000 damage done
Agony - 99,5%
Corruption - 97%
Unstable Affliction - 94%
Haunt - 60+ %
Seems to be good values :)

sidenote: i didn't quoted u before cause i was looking throught your log, tested stuff, rewrote stuff ... and so on ... took me two hours to fix such simple stuff^^
But i've found a proper way to detect our power (soulshards, burning embers, demonic fury) :D
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Hee! Looks like an awesome CC and a nicely done job at all the fast updating for MoP/5.0.4. Just one little thing, I'm using Gatherbuddy2 for mining on my holy paladin, but if the bot gets attacked by a mob at a node, it doesn't attack back, it faces away from the target doesn't even target it and it just keeps healing himself untill his gear goes red and eventually dies. Anyway you can make him do a simple HoJ>Judgement>HolyShock>Denounce>Denounce>HolyShock etc. Rotations in case he is getting attacked?

Thanks in advance,

GB2 atm not supported
This is mainly a CC for raiding support and Holy Paladin does heal in this situation (same for BG support)

we will take your suggestion on a todo list, but this has atm no priority, try using singular for farming / grinding
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Warlock\Demonology.cs(134,37) : error CS0839: Аргумент пропущен
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Managers\TalentManager.cs(151,33) : warning CS0472: Результатом выражения всегда является 'true', так как значение типа 'int' не может быть пустым значением типа 'int?'
I don't know if this will help some people who are having trouble getting the routines to load, but I couldn't get the CC to load for my blood knight and it kept throwing an error about the value of int for warlocks so I just deleted the warlock folder and it loaded for me.

View attachment 4528 2012-09-13 17.50.txt
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Warlock\Demonology.cs(134,37) : error CS0839: Аргумент пропущен
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Managers\TalentManager.cs(151,33) : warning CS0472: Результатом выражения всегда является 'true', так как значение типа 'int' не может быть пустым значением типа 'int?'
What bot should i run frost dk with if i wanna control it in battleground? cus with lazy raider seems to be bugging it making it only cast ams and stuff, iv asked this several times now and no one has replyed to me, it wont attack or anything!

A few questions if you will:
Are you updated to the latest CLU version?
If LazyRaider is not working for you then don't use it... Use Combat Bot until it is working or Raid Bot if it is working.
If you wish to control the movement of CLU inside of BG's you will need my macro list in order for the rotation to work correctly.

Below is the standard macro list:
Start/Stop Rotation:
/script Manual= not Manual;
/run if not Manual then print("Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Rotation: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Start/Stop Burst:
/script Burst= not Burst;
/run if not Burst then print("Burst: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Burst: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch:
/script rotationSwap= not rotationSwap;
/run if not rotationSwap then print("Base Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Necrotic Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") end

Below is the MultiCast macro list(
Note: Replace the word Spell with the spell you wish to cast, only one spell per macro! MT = Main Target, FT = Focus Target)
#showtooltip Spell
/script SpellName="Spell";
/script MultiCastMT=1;

#showtooltip Spell
/script SpellName="Spell";
/script MultiCastFT=1;

Note: Some CLU rotation will now work with BGbuddy, it's not perfect but it is working.
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A few questions if you will:
Are you updated to the latest CLU version?
If LazyRaider is not working for you then don't use it... Use Combat Bot until it is working or Raid Bot if it is working.
If you wish to control the movement of CLU inside of BG's you will need my macro list in order for the rotation to work correctly.

Below is the standard macro list:
Start/Stop Rotation:
/script Manual= not Manual;
/run if not Manual then print("Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Rotation: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Start/Stop Burst:
/script Burst= not Burst;
/run if not Burst then print("Burst: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Burst: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch:
/script rotationSwap= not rotationSwap;
/run if not rotationSwap then print("Base Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Necrotic Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") end

Below is the MultiCast macro list(
Note: Replace the word Spell with the spell you wish to cast, only one spell per macro! MT = Main Target, FT = Focus Target)
#showtooltip Spell
/script SpellName="Spell";
/script MultiCastMT=1;

#showtooltip Spell
/script SpellName="Spell";
/script MultiCastFT=1;

Note: Some CLU rotation will now work with BGbuddy, it's not perfect but it is working.

Hey, Thanks you for that, just one question might sound noobish but how do i use this macros like just once or everytime

Based off your answer I will assume that you never used GME... Well to answer your question in it's simplest form:
1) Start/Stop Rotation:
Press once for Start if stopped, and once for Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

2) Start/Stop Burst:
Press once to Start if not currently activated, press once to Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

3) Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch:
Each press will change the rotation style. READ THE CHAT POST!

4) MultiCastMT:
Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually.

5) MultiCastFT:
Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually

Based off your answer I will assume that you never used GME... Well to answer your question in it's simplest form:
1) Start/Stop Rotation:
Press once for Start if stopped, and once for Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

2) Start/Stop Burst:
Press once to Start if not currently activated, press once to Stop if currently PWN'n. READ THE CHAT POST!

3) Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation switch:
Each press will change the rotation style. READ THE CHAT POST!

4) MultiCastMT:
Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually.

5) MultiCastFT:
Spam until your spell is cast, you need to spam as I have not made a halt check yet and the tree is too fast to time it right manually

Hmm thanks but i activated both rotation and burst and it didnt work but i deactive burst and got rotation active it works hehe

Only one rotation may be active at a time, also Burst has yet to be implemented so nothing will happen.

1. Hunter - It doesnt heal the pet - Its commented out at the moment has issues.
2. Hunter - It uses feign death and it stays feign death-ed till i move the char manually - yes (remember this is a RAID CC if you guys dont like the FD downtime..use singular)
3. Hunter - While channelling revive pet spell,the char moves and it interrupts the casting. - Channel detection is broke in Honorbuddy, waiting for a fix.
4. Hunter - On markmanship build,if it uses the aimed shot as an opener ,it fastens the leveling - thanks..again..RAID CC :P
5. Demo warlock seems to be unable to cast Rain of Fire - noticed this with Pali Consecration + glyph. two issues here..Channel is broke and Cast on ground has issues..fixing.
6. with Glyph still no luck on dropping Concentration - see point 5.
7. Fury warrior rotation is a plain fail, please correct it! I'd be glad to help you out there. - its designed for level 90..are you level 90?
8. Seems the extra action button not working in LFR Fall of Deathwing? - Correct its balls anyway..dont be lazy haha. will fix it soon.
9. What bot should i run frost dk with if i wanna control it in battleground? Dagradt is changing rotations to use his new PvP Macro abilties. He will post instructions shortly in the first post.
for the Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation, do i need the rotation macro active or do i deactive the rotation and just active Base Rotation/Necrotic Rotation, or enable both of them

Yes, Leave Burst disabled. As for the Necro/Base rotation swap, watch your log. It will tell you which one you are using, once you get better you can do this without looking.

Yes, Leave Burst disabled. As for the Necro/Base rotation swap, watch your log. It will tell you which one you are using, once you get better you can do this without looking.

Im not sure to enable the "rotation" one? or so enable base rotation and the rotation or leave the rotation unenabled?
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