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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Method 1: Zip File

* You can download a stable version from the HB forum post Download the latest zip file
* Copy the CLU folder into "%Your Honorbuddy Folder%\Routines\"
* Load Honorbuddy
* Select "Combat" as your bot base (Lazyraider and RaidBot tested OK)
* Select "Load Profile" and load the BlankProfile.xml (Provided at the end of this post.)
* Start Honorbuddy.
* Stay out of the fire and point to kill."

Where is the zip file...? I can't find it anywhere.

No Zip file until HB has an official public release. Please follow the SVN instructions.
~Aaaah found the problem, its because i didnt have all glyphs, u need all glyphs i think cus it happend on a cc i was testing
Wulf and Storm,

I seem to be having 0 issues with survival right now on my huntard. YAY!
Marksman seems to be working well too. No real complaints from me in LFR from mark and surv hunter
actually it casts hunters mark often....like i am assuming if someone else casts theirs it is not checking properly if target already has it.


Here is the log, Also notice that it keeps checking the spells......like an outrageous amount. and the usual error everyone is getting yet it spams it a milliong times...prolly cause of tyrael


Last edited:
Revision 225

Assassination Rogues
  • Preparation is now working.
  • Vanish is used on CD if the target is viable.
  • If used Vanish and not behind target, will Shadowstep if available
  • If used Vanish and behind target, will use Ambush
  • If used Vanish and not behind target, can't cast Shadowstep and about to cap energy, will use Dispatch or Mutilate, whichever is best.

Big thanks to gonemental21, who taught me how to surpass the limitations of stealth combat.
Can i ask why my dk is not pulling mobs with death grip but just walking to them ? Is this an intended behaviour ?
Updated, still negative on it working for affliction.

Maybe affliction is broked too?
Ey ich hau dich gleich von wegen broken ...

Uhm sorry ...
no affliction is topping every dps, fix your system ... .net 4 not installed correctly
my feral lowbie wont cast rejuvenation when low on health, my char doesent have those spells at lvl 22 ;)

[CLU] 3.3.0: Found rotation: Feral Druid
[CLU] 3.3.0: Greetings, level 22 user!
[CLU] 3.3.0: I am CLU.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I will create the perfect system for you.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I suggest we use the Feral Druid rotation. Revision: $Rev: 216 $
[CLU] 3.3.0: as I know you have Tiger's Fury
[CLU] 3.3.0: BotBase: Grind Bot (Supported)
[CLU] 3.3.0:
Feral MoP:
[*] AutomaticCooldowns now works with Boss's or Mob's (See: General Settings)
This Rotation will:
1. Heal using Frenzied Regeneration, Survival Instincts, Barkskin
==> Healthstone.
2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
==> UseTrinkets
==> UseRacials
==> UseEngineerGloves
==> Enrage, Berserk, Berserking, Lifeblood
3. Hot swap rotation from bear to cat if you change form
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use until Dagradt changes that.
~Aaaah found the problem, its because i didnt have all glyphs, u need all glyphs i think cus it happend on a cc i was testing
no we don't need all your glyphs
[02:11:55.465 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: TalentManager - numTalents 18
[02:11:55.485 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: TalentManager - Setting DeathKnightTierOneTalent to UnholyBlight
[02:11:55.486 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - GetNumGlyphSockets 6
[02:11:55.487 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 58680,Name:Glyph of Horn of Winter ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Horn of Winter
[02:11:55.488 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 96279,Name:Glyph of Dark Succor ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Dark Succor
[02:11:55.488 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 3
[02:11:55.489 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 4
[02:11:55.490 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 5
[02:11:55.491 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 59332,Name:Glyph of Outbreak ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Outbreak
[02:11:55.491 Q] [CLU] 3.3.0: Character Current Build: DeathKnightFrost
this is working as intended ... but maybe ... u r one of the unlucky people where ... man u got a target while using lazyraider in a bg?
my feral lowbie wont cast rejuvenation when low on health, my char doesent have those spells at lvl 22 ;)

[CLU] 3.3.0: Found rotation: Feral Druid
[CLU] 3.3.0: Greetings, level 22 user!
[CLU] 3.3.0: I am CLU.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I will create the perfect system for you.
[CLU] 3.3.0: I suggest we use the Feral Druid rotation. Revision: $Rev: 216 $
[CLU] 3.3.0: as I know you have Tiger's Fury
[CLU] 3.3.0: BotBase: Grind Bot (Supported)
[CLU] 3.3.0:
Feral MoP:
[*] AutomaticCooldowns now works with Boss's or Mob's (See: General Settings)
This Rotation will:
1. Heal using Frenzied Regeneration, Survival Instincts, Barkskin
==> Healthstone.
2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
==> UseTrinkets
==> UseRacials
==> UseEngineerGloves
==> Enrage, Berserk, Berserking, Lifeblood
3. Hot swap rotation from bear to cat if you change form
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use until Dagradt changes that.

If i recall CLU is based on lv 80-85. Not sure if it supports lower levels.
If i recall CLU is based on lv 80-85. Not sure if it supports lower levels.

Alright, thanks.. didnt knew either, just knew that singular had it, but its kinda buggy atm, using moonfire and autoattack
never used clu for lvling before, since i had problems with char didnt face mobs proberly, but seems to be fixed now.

I fixed the problem myself, turned off looting in grinding and bought 200 x food ;)
On another totally unrelated topic...Randomly testing movement in SW starting area....

CLU not loading rotation.

Hey I decided to try your cc but I got the message "[CLU] 3.3.0: Greetings, level 85 user. Unfortunelty CLU could not find a rotation for you" I tried it on a couple toons with the same result. Just a heads up log posted. :)


[CLU] 3.3.0: Unable to find Active Rotation: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at CLU.CLU.<QueryClassTree>b__4(Assembly s) in c\Routines\CLU\CLU.cs:line 394
at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__14`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
at CLU.CLU.QueryClassTree() in c\Routines\CLU\CLU.cs:line 398
[CLU] 3.3.0: Greetings, level 85 user. Unfortunelty CLU could not find a rotation for you.
[CLU] 3.3.0: Unable to find Active Rotation
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Can some1 pls help my im only getting this i have no idea what to do :/
Yeh I was in Durotar just before and the was a pig names adder

Hehe! I think this is a Mage glyph where they can polymorph critters & they stay that way for 24 hours.

OT - Rogue working nicely, thanks Wulf, Lao and whoever else contributed to that.
Will test it in some different environments over next few days & report back any observations
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