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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Protection Paladin

I took Glyph off and worked a treat will try with Glyph on tomorrow after work at 4pm UK time

thanks for the update,
3:33am here btw.

1. Arms is not supported with current patch (please read the first post)
2. Incomplete log files *Do not help* (its like asking a mechanic what is wrong with your car but you do not allow him to look under the hood.)
3. I have just loaded and tested my lvl 85 warrior (and too my surprise he is using most skills).

I will ignore Support questions if they do not have a complete log attached.

There you go :)
Working fine with Singular btw.


feral lowbie is very good, using it atm to lvl my druid with grind bot.. ty for this cc.
Would it be possible to include the Warrior ability 'Dragon Roar' into the AoE rotation so it can be toggled on and off with the hotkeys?

You should enable proper use of Berserker Rage for fury warriors, as it isn't used for anything else than to enable ravaging blow :)

Also you should disable AOE on Warlord Zon'ozz of Dragon Soul :)

Kind regards
seems im having issue with it targeting not sure im running in grind mode and with my dk its runs tell its right on top of them then aggro targets is there a setting im missing i have pull range set to 45 thanks
Running as a BM Hunter and it's not reviving my pet as it should...
Not healing pet either...
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I did a little testing with other cc's Sing does target and kill then it skips half the corpses for looting and skinning, so Im guessing it's something in the cc thats not targeting correctly.
I discovery a BUG with ROGUE.

Using bladefury, rogue stop moving after kill a mob!

Can u fix it please?
Just ran DK Blood for a few LFR's and random dungeons. Working well, no issues.

Will be checking out Hunters and Mages tonight as well.

**running Combat Bot, right now LazyRaider is giving me hitching issues, very strange.
im not sure why but when i attack dummys it uses all abilties but when i go battleground it only cats ams and stuff it never casts any attacks on frost dk human alliance why is this?

Method 1: Zip File

* You can download a stable version from the HB forum post Download the latest zip file
* Copy the CLU folder into "%Your Honorbuddy Folder%\Routines\"
* Load Honorbuddy
* Select "Combat" as your bot base (Lazyraider and RaidBot tested OK)
* Select "Load Profile" and load the BlankProfile.xml (Provided at the end of this post.)
* Start Honorbuddy.
* Stay out of the fire and point to kill."

Where is the zip file...? I can't find it anywhere.
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