you're not missing anything.. I believe that is RB issue.. an issue that i thought he had fixed.. I know that I do not have to stop/start bot when I'm changing jobs in a profile.. are you using english or CN RB? .. I'll have to go through and have the plugin reset it manually, on the fly.... I personally have my profiles change job before teleporting
i am in the states
so i use the english version
as soon as i press the start / stop button
it changes job beautifully.
is just that i cannot go to sleep like that
![Smile :) :)](
in the case of the clusters
there is NO teleporting
because both miner / botany
take place in the same area.
the botany works from 01 AM to 09 AM
the miner works from 01 PM to 09 PM
am i putting the command in the right place
to change jobs ??
<While Condition="True">
<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(0,11)">
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(154)">
<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Botanist">
<ChangeJob Type="Botanist" />
<TeleportTo Name="Revenant's Toll" AetheryteId="24" />
<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(0,11)">
<TeleportTo Name="Revenant's Toll" AetheryteId="24" />
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Mature Tree</GatherObject>
<HotSpot Radius="1000" XYZ="544.7119, 9.910261, -498.9675" />
<HotSpot Radius="1000" XYZ="538.89, -5.89, -358.8909" />
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Field Mastery II" TimesToCast="1" />
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Blessed Harvest II" TimesToCast="1" />
<WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(0,11)" />