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Building a new PC for mythic raiding + HB routines... any suggestions?

Right now I have a 3770k Over Clocked to 4.4 gigs running a 4 GB OC'ed 770 GTX with 16 GBs of Ram. No issues at 60 FPS on Ultra settings.

I'm going to upgrade this weekend to a 6700k and Over Clock it to at least 4.8 and upgrade to 64 GB of Ram @ 3400 (The Ram is way over kill...)


or SLI 3x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125802

RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232260

MB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132565

CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117559
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This is the kind of threads these forums have needed for a while. Solid thread, solid ideas lads.

In essence, you can build a solid wow pc for $1500 roughly that can run wow at 60fps on high settings.
such mis informed information.

well done- you read somewhere online that wow only use 4 core... Perhaps you should get a better understanding of how your OS uses a CPU and how WOW and HB and your OS can utilise a CPU before posting rubbish.

CPU power (including core/bus speed and raw power) is the most vital piece of hardware when botting with wow.

You most certainly want a i7 if you can afford it.

No, I wrote that it doesn't even use 4, and that was my actual experience, not "read somewhere." While it's certainly more CPU-intensive than most games, an i5 is more than enough. Both the 6-core and the i7 are pointless overkill in a purely gaming machine, even for WoW. But hey, it's not my money and certainly not yours, so if he gets a processor that will only get him a tiny bit of extra performance for significantly more money, not my problem.
No, I wrote that it doesn't even use 4, and that was my actual experience, not "read somewhere." Both the 6-core and the i7 are pointless overkill in a purely gaming machine, even for WoW. But hey, it's not my money and certainly not yours, so if he gets a processor that will only get him a tiny bit of extra performance for significantly more money, not my problem.
They're not just talking about the game WoW though, in which case you'd be 100% right...

But It's the game + HB using a combat bot @ 60 TPS and using an extensive healing rotation/engine in a mythic raid environment @ high settings 60+fps ... are you factoring that in?

I'd love to save money and go the cheapest route, but I -really- want to hit my goals with this new PC.
They're not just talking about the game WoW though, in which case you'd be 100% right...

But It's the game + HB using a combat bot @ 60 TPS and using an extensive healing rotation/engine in a mythic raid environment @ high settings 60+fps ... are you factoring that in?

I'd love to save money and go the cheapest route, but I -really- want to hit my goals with this new PC.

Yay you have a brain :)
They're not just talking about the game WoW though, in which case you'd be 100% right...

But It's the game + HB using a combat bot @ 60 TPS and using an extensive healing rotation/engine in a mythic raid environment @ high settings 60+fps ... are you factoring that in?

I'd love to save money and go the cheapest route, but I -really- want to hit my goals with this new PC.

Its worth it. I used to play wow on 10fps, its so much nicer and cleaner at a crisp 60fps
They're not just talking about the game WoW though, in which case you'd be 100% right...

But It's the game + HB using a combat bot @ 60 TPS and using an extensive healing rotation/engine in a mythic raid environment @ high settings 60+fps ... are you factoring that in?

I'd love to save money and go the cheapest route, but I -really- want to hit my goals with this new PC.
Since you are building machine for just under $2k, you are probably taking into account its longevity too (even if you have not mentioned it).

And outstanding several more WoW expansions is a must!

Getting the-best-performance/value components is the best tactic in your situation.

I can remember, when built my first machine, optimized for WoW in Jan 2007, I arranged it with the best on the market:

- Core 2 Duo E6600, selected from the best production week, pretested in the nearby hardware lab for hardcore overclock - from stock 2.4 to stable 3.6 GHz! It was stable even on 4.0, but required water cooling!

Since I already had some good nVidia Geforce VGA, hardware modded to its Quadro twin, I postponed its upgrade.

In tje next year took a 8800 GTS, which got upgraded few years later to 280 GTX, but the good old C2Duo E6600 was still kicking!

In 2011 successfully started to run 5-6 gather bots simultaneously.

In 2012 the botting finally sponsored new machine (i7-920, again overclocked from 2.9 to 3.6 GHz, but it happened to be very "warmy" indeed too!)

So it successfully survived Burning Crusade, WOTLK, Cataclysm, and was well "retired" in Pandaria.

"Retired" is in brackets, because it continued to work as botting machine under my desk for another 2 expansions or 3 years till late 2015, limiting the botting sessions from 5 to 4, then to 3, due to the increased requirements from the WoW client in the years.
And nowadays it is still actually retired as happy home PC in my brothers home - with a fresh Win 10 plus new SSD, booting windows for 10sec - and browsing the web in the evenings!

It is 9 years since then, and the machine is still running - a few years of mindless gaming nearly 24/7, a few years real 24/7 botting, and in the latest years with casual run few hours daily.

What caused this longevity:

- The best Quality components!

The most failing parts are usually Motherboard and the Power supply, so the best on the enthusiast market is supposed to be chosen:

In the case I used the premium Asus MB, made my CPU's chipset (Which is usually bundled with tons of annoying and useless stuff, which most people think that rise the MB's value, but they are terribly wrong - the quality rise it!) and very good, but expensive indeed PSU - Seasonic 400W first and Chieftec/Antec 700W lately, when the hungry GTX 280 had demand for it.

It is usually not cheap enough to get Quality & Performance components, since most people (and web sites) usually compare the performance value in hardware reviews, but the quality ("converted" into reliability & longevity) always pays out!
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I don't see it as overpowered, considering you can max out WoWs settings to break this PC easily. Built in to WoW you have a frame scale slider, effectively NVIDIA DSR or AMD VSR, allowing you to upscale the rendered image.
On my 1440p monitor (Dell u2711), I combined WoWs native frame scaling and NVIDIA DSR to effectively play at 10.240 x 5760 ~10-15 FPS (without bot :)) in Orgrimmar with everything on ultra.
Would I recommend fiddling with frame scaling? Not really, it's only really effective on sub-1080p monitors in my opinion.
The i5 6600k is the best cpu for gaming atm. I cant think of one game that needs hyperthreading. Save the money and put it into a good gpu.

EDIT: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/B2YhRB Here is a quick build I put together that will be a killer rig that can handle any game on the market. I used the i7 since it seems you want the i7. The x99 platform is way overpriced for gaming IMO.
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i7-4790K 4GHz + GigaByte radeon 390X 8GB + 16GB RAM + 250GB SSD
this is my setup, playing all games on ultra, running 3-8 bots simultaneously with steady 60 fps (bots run on "good" settings)
the Graphics card is up to par with the GTX 980 but at a much lower cost, also the double amount of VRAM makes it ideal for high loads
I'd like to stress the importance of a good PSU, it really smooths everything when you got that nailed. So add 50$ to your current and do some research/comparison between the top ones.
Also seeing your budget could allow dual GPU, which might be worth when using 1440p. At least something to really think about.

My toughts about i5 vs i7 is that usually the strict budget people goes for i5, they get a lot of praise on it because most of people want to save the money there and writes all over the internet that i5 is just the choise for pure gamers.
For your everyday computer use + gaming best i7 beats best i5 anyday.
I'd like to stress the importance of a good PSU, it really smooths everything when you got that nailed. So add 50$ to your current and do some research/comparison between the top ones.
Also seeing your budget could allow dual GPU, which might be worth when using 1440p. At least something to really think about.

My toughts about i5 vs i7 is that usually the strict budget people goes for i5, they get a lot of praise on it because most of people want to save the money there and writes all over the internet that i5 is just the choise for pure gamers.
For your everyday computer use + gaming best i7 beats best i5 anyday.

This is very true, the PSU market is very strong right now. As long as you get any of the top brands, ie: EVGA, Corsair, Cooler Master... you wont run into any problems. Since the OP stated that its for WOW, i dont really see the i7 being that much better the justify the added cost (my opinion), as an overclocked i5 will run as good as an i7 minus the hyper threading.
This is very true, the PSU market is very strong right now. As long as you get any of the top brands, ie: EVGA, Corsair, Cooler Master... you wont run into any problems. Since the OP stated that its for WOW, i dont really see the i7 being that much better the justify the added cost (my opinion), as an overclocked i5 will run as good as an i7 minus the hyper threading.
So you believe a dual core processor is as good as the six core of it?

Keep dreaming!

Or take few minutes to enlighten yourself: Thread (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm pretty sure he is talking about the quad core gaming i5's like the 2600k. Easy to over clock to 4.5+.
I wouldn't recommend an i7 cpu if your focus is just on gaming. In many cases, an i5 will outperform a i7 in gaming scenarios, including WoW. If you use a bit extra on a proper cooler such as the Noctua NH-D15 you will be able to easily overclock the i5 far above what the i7 is capable of. Games far prefer higher clock speed than multithreaded cores.

Dont spend too much on the motherboard as some people recommend 'premium' ones. Only if you need an abundant amount of USB or sata connections and are into extreme overclocking will you ever benefit from it. Motherboards do not affect performance whatsoever. Just don't get the cheapest either.

Do not use money on high speed RAM too. Even 1666mhz DDR3 ram will perform as well as 3000Mhz RAM in gaming and most other real world applications.
i7 is like ~25-30% better than i5 if you run multiple wow and hb sessions.
Well he isn't talking about running multiple hb sessions. Besides any current gen i5 will run +5 wow sessions without a hitch. If you plan to run more than that your shouldn't be playing at ultra settings anyway. I have an i5 4690k and i run 6 wow sessions without a problem at ultra settings where background sessions are capped at 20 FPS and still my main wow client runs 100+ fps in citys without a problem at 1440p resolution.
http://www.overclock.net/t/671977/hyperthreading-in-games Its an old thread but makes my point and there are many more that say the same thing. Hyperthreading will not help you from a purely gaming standpoint. Yes, you might be able to take advantage of it if your running 5+ WOW's at once, but thats not what this thread was about. And who would buy a duel core for a modern gaming PC anymore? There are so many budget friendly quad cores on the market now.
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