[00:53:11.221 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.821.241
[00:53:18.182 N] Logging in...
[00:53:19.378 N] Login Success!
[00:53:21.496 D] First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9500 @ 2.60GHz
[00:53:21.497 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[00:53:21.497 D] App Path: H:\G4M3S\PC Bots\SWTORBW\Buddywing.exe
[00:53:22.225 D] Current build number: 913394
[00:53:22.238 D] Loading client.gom..
[00:53:22.577 D] Loaded client.gom!
[00:53:23.996 D] Took 1262ms to get the nodes list.
[00:53:23.996 D] There are 100863 nodes.
[00:53:23.996 D] DomList has 4294967295/17944032
[00:53:24.192 D] _BaseClient handled.
[00:53:24.192 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] strOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] ablOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] gmOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[00:53:24.193 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] mapOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] chrOracle handled.
[00:53:24.193 D] qstOracle handled.
[00:53:24.216 D] spnOracle handled.
[00:53:24.216 D] cnvOracle handled.
[00:53:24.216 D] ctlOracle handled.
[00:53:24.217 D] _InputHandler handled.
[00:53:24.511 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[00:53:24.516 D] prfOracle handled.
[00:53:24.573 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9B1402
[00:53:24.573 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.574 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9B140F
[00:53:24.574 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.574 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9B1413
[00:53:24.574 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.574 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9B1428
[00:53:24.574 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.575 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9B1434
[00:53:24.575 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.575 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9B1456
[00:53:24.575 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.577 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9B149D
[00:53:24.577 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.578 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9B14CD
[00:53:24.578 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.578 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9B14DF
[00:53:24.578 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.578 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9B14E5
[00:53:24.578 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.579 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9B14E7
[00:53:24.579 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.579 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9B14F3
[00:53:24.579 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[00:53:24.582 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[00:53:25.545 D] Took 1549ms to process the node list
[00:53:26.909 N] User is a Trooper
[00:53:26.909 V] Routine Path: Routines
[00:53:31.431 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[00:53:40.831 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
[00:53:42.782 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[00:53:42.782 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[00:53:42.782 D] WingIt - All In One v1.0.821.241
[00:53:42.782 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[00:53:42.782 D] WingIt - All In One v1.0.821.241
[00:53:42.806 N] [WingIt] Level: 19
[00:53:42.806 N] [WingIt] Class: Trooper
[00:53:42.941 N] [WingIt] Advanced Class: Vanguard (Tactics)
[00:53:43.006 N] [WingIt] Building method list
[00:53:43.008 N] [WingIt] Added 203 methods
[00:53:43.014 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsOutOfCombat is a match!
[00:53:43.014 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.067 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsCombat is a match!
[00:53:43.067 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.104 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsPull is a match!
[00:53:43.104 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.104 N] Chose WingIt - All In One as your combat routine.
[00:53:43.104 N] [WingIt] Level: 19
[00:53:43.105 N] [WingIt] Class: Trooper
[00:53:43.151 N] [WingIt] Advanced Class: Vanguard (Tactics)
[00:53:43.167 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsOutOfCombat is a match!
[00:53:43.167 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.196 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsCombat is a match!
[00:53:43.196 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.201 N] [WingIt] VanguardTacticsPull is a match!
[00:53:43.201 N] [WingIt] Using VanguardTacticsPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[00:53:43.205 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
[00:53:46.496 D] There are 2 plugins.
[00:53:47.474 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[00:53:47.499 N] Loaded profile [R - Light] 17-21 Taris [Kick]
[00:53:47.506 N] Sell quality set to Premium.
[00:53:47.528 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[00:53:56.061 N] Chest looting enabled.
[00:54:08.742 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[00:54:08.743 D] BotMain.Start() called
[00:54:08.744 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[00:54:09.383 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[00:54:09.388 N] Loaded profile [R - Light] 17-21 Taris [Kick]
[00:54:09.388 D] Starting bot Quest Bot
[00:54:09.403 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 1415f349-b9d1-4968-8585-84f2da3ded95
[00:54:09.410 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] d5154c87-d620-4310-a44c-fa32ec6aad3b
[00:54:09.414 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] 1f2ead7e-629e-439f-bae5-c9619743441f
[00:54:09.416 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] fd4c21cf-c6f7-4202-b959-5a5365b4cfd1
[00:54:09.416 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 8f5c6844-938e-4074-8a35-f2f42cff6caf
[00:54:09.416 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] b9d9737e-2aea-4bf7-8b1f-1948e865e1e6
[00:54:09.416 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 1a0cdfcd-5a42-4036-a709-4ee7bc03eeed
[00:54:09.416 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 5448fd76-e356-4c67-ba84-395ffc0a9b61
[00:54:09.419 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] a9c43282-d53c-4f62-9c3f-9b3cc81cd474
[00:54:09.419 D] Setting force alignment settings.
[00:54:09.424 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[00:54:09.428 D] Bot thread started.
[00:54:37.892 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UserDialogTag: DialogFinished: True, DialogMessage: This profile is un-tested and I will not be taking QQ's at this time, DialogTitle: Kick, QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, .
[00:54:37.903 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 4c1080fc-01e1-4e18-b94e-c839c5dcfb4b
[00:55:02.903 N] Grind Area changed to Catalyst 2
[00:55:02.904 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to GrindTag: GrindRef: Catalyst 2, WhileCondition: (not IsStepComplete(0xE000DFBFD200A6CA, 2)), QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.Common.HookExecutor, .
[00:55:02.904 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 0e788c86-6a16-4f96-b31b-b4d58142f0eb
[00:55:11.495 N] Fully Rested
[00:59:25.654 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[00:59:25.655 D] BotMain.Stop() called
[00:59:25.656 N] Stopping the bot.
[00:59:25.756 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[00:59:27.756 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[00:59:27.794 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
[00:59:27.795 D] Resetting force alignment settings.
[00:59:27.797 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[00:59:28.020 D] Exception while pulsing plugin Use Lockboxes: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute()
at ...ctor()
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorItem.get_Name()
at Buddywing.Plugins.OpenLockboxesPlugin.OnPulse() in h:\G4M3S\PC Bots\SWTORBW\Plugins\OpenLockboxes\OpenLockboxesPlugin.cs:line 54
at Buddy.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin)
[00:59:28.020 D] Bot Thread Aborted Thread was being aborted.
[00:59:28.886 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[00:59:28.886 D] BotMain.Start() called
[00:59:28.886 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[00:59:30.297 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[00:59:30.302 N] Loaded profile [R - Light] 17-21 Taris [Kick]
[00:59:30.302 D] Starting bot Quest Bot
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 1415f349-b9d1-4968-8585-84f2da3ded95
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] d169b796-fbec-4f33-a7d8-8854a776a7eb
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] ea312118-5193-477e-8772-89580049d277
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 4caa962c-fc92-4044-b185-60d5bca6ba1f
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 07aabe93-07ba-4b11-9a39-8e8a72c81af5
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 1f7f5d89-8817-4acf-b808-59c4f16b87c4
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 8eeeccca-112f-4473-9723-3aae4fcb939d
[00:59:30.302 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 049bfc55-ac94-4be9-b54d-a13dfc35f5d6
[00:59:30.302 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] ff62e020-f135-47f7-9d98-2ffc581b9899
[00:59:30.302 D] Setting force alignment settings.
[00:59:30.302 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[00:59:30.304 D] Bot thread started.
[00:59:32.913 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UserDialogTag: DialogFinished: True, DialogMessage: This profile is un-tested and I will not be taking QQ's at this time, DialogTitle: Kick, QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, .
[00:59:32.913 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 7580f2b3-84cd-441e-b62c-7d5fb1ecf4ce
[01:02:58.701 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[01:02:58.701 D] BotMain.Stop() called
[01:02:58.701 N] Stopping the bot.
[01:02:58.801 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[01:03:00.801 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[01:03:00.862 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
[01:03:00.862 D] Resetting force alignment settings.
[01:03:00.862 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.