not to mention that VS bot atm is down and so is their website...
IMO you have to be really retarded to pay real money for virtual gold...But I guess idiots are majority in this world...
Personally I would only use the bot for gold farming and maybe some leveling, but only for personal use.
Id rather wait for a working bot. DB is not there yet. Look at the videos they are posting, the bot is confused, running back and forth,missing loot, ignoring mobs and generally in beta phase. Just from the what i have seen its not ready for a functional release. What good is a grinding bot who misses loot, ignores mobs and gets confused in wide open spaces. Imagine tight spots in hell or inferno mode where the majority of the gold and loot will be made, without a smart engine it doesn't matter how much gas you feed the machine!
...............Sounds like Honorbuddy.
Sounds like Honorbuddy.
not yet but we are near to a release
Developers - a few questions.
* - Will the bot be able to repeat the same quest over and over (for lvling, especially thinking of Kulle-, Queen- and Holdruns)?
* - Will there be a "follower-mode"?
* - Will the bot have special settings for us HC-players?
Developers - a few questions.
* - Will the bot be able to repeat the same quest over and over (for lvling, especially thinking of Kulle-, Queen- and Holdruns)?
* - Will there be a "follower-mode"?
* - Will the bot have special settings for us HC-players?
1) Yes. Well, sorta. It can constantly recreate a game over and over based on a quest you choose. (So Kulle, Queen, etc can be re-run many times) I'm not entirely sure if we have it properly set up to take the portals in, but it should work out of the box.
2) No. There are no plans for this at the moment. Maybe in the future (or via a plugin) it can be done.
3) Not likely. I honestly wouldn't suggest running it on HC unless you really don't care about the toon, or you're farming easy stuff like the A1 Ruins jars.
@Virtual; the video you saw was a week or two ago. Then and now are vastly different. (The bot hasn't missed a piece of loot yet, and it runs incredibly smoothly, and quick) I'll see if we can put up a new video today of the bot in action in the same place.
1) (The bot hasn't missed a piece of loot yet, and it runs incredibly smoothly, and quick) I'll see if we can put up a new video today of the bot in action in the same place.