You will note that I do not past here often. I absolutely LOVE HB/GB, and have used it for years. I am a lifer. Here is where my problem comes in right now. I'll preface this by saying that I do NOT sell gold. I dont, and I wont. I bot for my own enjoyment only. Usually to gather powerful items, etc. The problem I have waiting any longer is that there are other bots, as someone recently said, that do their jobs very well. Are they secure? No. Do I care? No. I'm a botter. I understand there is an element of risk.
What I am forced with determining, is risk versus reward. I can bot at LEAST, conservatively, 400k/gph with other products. Even if I got banned after a week, I will have over 80 million gold. even if it costs me a 60$ copy of d3, thats about 80 cents per million.. let me see you buy it at those prices. It cant be done yet.
Again, I applaud the buddy team. I love your work. There is ZERO comparison between the quality of your products on the market versus others, and for that I am thankful. But the problem I have run into now, is that Hawker has stated "a few more days" then in the same sentence say as late as next Monday.. thats almost another week from now.. not a few days. With RMAH soon to be implemented (we all know it will happen its just a matter of time), gold will no longer buy me the most powerful items on the market.. I'll have to spend real money. And its going to be a lot more real money than I'm going to waste by losing my farming account to a ban wave , even if I only get a week out of it.
For that reason alone, though I will still buy your bot when it comes out if d3 holds my interest long enough, I'm going to have to give another bot a chance first. I just cant afford to waste any more time not knowing when this one will be released. Theres a TINY window that botting gold in d3 is going to be good for, and as others have stated, it is closing quickly. a month from now, I'm not even sure what people will bot gold FOR... gold will be next to free, and all the good items will be on the RMAH.