we're not here to cash in, we're here for the long haul.Is there any ETA on this?
I'd love to stay with bossland products, as honorbuddy served me extremely well... but there are other bots already available, to cash in on the high margins of a new release >.<
we're not here to cash in, we're here for the long haul.
we're working hard to get a stable (and more importantly safe) product out, when we have more information we will make an announcement.
So, I don't know if this was asked. But will DemonBuddy be included if you already have a lifetime sub?
that last i read about this is that: no, each product will require it's own payment.
Which class do you guys recommend if you're solo farm for gold, solo ofcourse? Aswell for the development staff which class do you reckon will have the most success being botted?
**** Buddy the faked buddy bot has now his Open Beta
^ This.
If I buy Windows I wouldn't expect Microsoft to throw Office for free just because...
It's only logical that they charge separately for different products.
So, I don't know if this was asked. But will DemonBuddy be included if you already have a lifetime sub?
Hello! VERY interested in a Diablo bot... I know no release date(specific date) has been announced but can you guys give a GENERAL IDEA of when? Like from 1 to 5 weeks or sometime in June/July something to give an idea when to or not to expect a stable release. Thanks!
we're not here to cash in, we're here for the long haul.
we're working hard to get a stable (and more importantly safe) product out, when we have more information we will make an announcement.
You say you know that there's no release date but you try to skirt around that by asking for what ends up being a release date.
This is what they've said and what they will continue to say:
So they aren't going to say anything before they are ready...