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Buddy Team developing 3rd party tool for Diablo III

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Whats the name of this bot? Want to buy one asap since prices are very good atm for items...

i know devs here are good but very slow, and they dont give us information on release so i think other bots would be good to give a try.

I only have heard hellbuddy (not from Bosslands!) will be released in the next days and with improved warden detection. cant wait to buy a working d3 bot.
Well, i cant even play D3 atm. I have portfowarded B.net and D3, disabled my firewall yet every 2 mins i still get DC'ed and Error 3007.
Blizz better fix this shit

guessing your using a router? cause i had the same problem, but i just put my cable straight into my comp instead of going through my router and now i can be conncted 24/7 if i wanted to...
I got immortal, but id rather have the buddy one. Buddy just feels safer.

agreed but it will take awhile for honorbuddy to make one this is like a temp until honorbuddy they will take about few monthes i think
Basically, if the bot can't survive in Hell and Inferno it's a waste of time and money. There's literally no point in running Normal/Nightmare more than once. You could really even add Hell to that list.,
Honorbuddy is always the last one to the race to get a bot out. But they always come out with great feature's and custom stuff. I love Apoc. But BW took far to long and I pretty sure there going to lose alot of profit because of it. If it's money they need. they need to put in a cheap but more over time P2B (Pay to bot) system. Just selling lifetime isn't going to work out so well. Tho it's better for us the consumer. But I've heard kick say a few time's that they need more money for projects. And if they did this they could hire more coders and everything would work out better. Just a IMO.
I've heard kick say a few time's that they need more money for projects. And if they did this they could hire more coders and everything would work out better. Just a IMO.
How about PayToBeta, I'm sure a lot of us pretty much want a farmer at the moment anyway? This would give them the funding then.
How about PayToBeta, I'm sure a lot of us pretty much want a farmer at the moment anyway? This would give them the funding then.

That could work. They could just put out the bot aslong as it's safe and if your "Preorder" it you can use it with the mark BETA in it.
So there is no ETA on the bot yet? :) "Soon" is all we get for now?
Anyway, GJ HBteam, been looking forward to this!
Be patient and take your time to play and enjoy the game. When you will have your bot, most of us, will be in "autopilot" mode :)
Moreover, after reading Method's interview about world first "Diablo 3" inferno and the difficulty of some packs, it will be hard for a bot to solo everything. In fact, according to Method, a melee CAN'T solo anything in inferno. The most OP group seems to be 1 melee and 3 range and requires a lot of kitting but only melee seems impossible :(
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K4ne I'm not sure where you got that info. But my friend plays a monk and another a barb while I play a wizard. They can solo things much easier than me. I have to kite and time my skills perfectly just to survive. As we are on the 2nd Act in inferno. We play as a group when we are all on at the same time. But that is only like 3 hours a day max. The mobs hp jumps so much in groups that it is easier to solo than to group up in our opinions.

As for the people getting error 3007, a lot of people got this fixed by just joining General Chat. My barb friend did this and he never disconnects now.

As for the vs bot, not the slickest ui or features in the world. But it gets the job done. Most people will use it just for money/item farm on the lower difficulties. Being able to have 3mil gold from like 3 days farm is more than enough to pay for something. You don't need Inferno difficulty items yet anyway. For that i'll wait til DB comes out.
As for the people getting error 3007, a lot of people got this fixed by just joining General Chat. My barb friend did this and he never disconnects now.

I tried this at first, but the disconnects were only farther apart, but going around your router instead of through it, fixes it completely until blizz patch it. cause i'm pretty sure every1 that gets the error 3007 is connected to the internet through a router :)

oh and would really like an update on how it's going and if we will see any bot out soon(ish) or if we're talking 1-2 months.
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Oh I see. My friend would get d/c every say 5 to 10 mins. Was rather annoying. Yet we completed normal that way. Then realized it would take too long to do any other difficulties. So he looked for a quick fix. However it did work for him. As he doesn't play on his gaming pc, for some reason he likes playing on Mac book with a windows partition. Lazy people will do anything I guess to keep being that way.

Looking forward to DB however though.
The longer you wait for a d3 bot, the better it'll be. Just hold on.
like I said I am using Immortal as well but in the long run when honorbuddy releases there's it will no doubt be the best bot and aweome as shit. But for now yes I am using immortal it's a little ghetto but works and they seem to be updating it everynight and when Demonbuddy or Hellbuddy wahtever it is called because I keep getting confused I will be getting it asap because honorbuddy is quality and that's all that matters
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