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Buddy Team and Star Wars: The Old Republic

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dont know c++ if did i would smartass i know other sites like this but bigger if a game called maplestory admin name bizzaro aka andrew who makes 40+k a month from sales he codes everything him self over dosent take him 2months to update the bot takes him less 2-3 days also a doctor go to collage

That is probably one of the worst sentences I've ever seen. Besides, I'm believe I'm correct in saying that the bot isn't written in C++ anyways, it's written in C#. I personally know C# really well and couldn't even dream of writing a bot.
Also, if he's so awesome, why don't you get him to go make you a bot and get out of these forums.
dont know c++ if did i would smartass i know other sites like this but bigger if a game called maplestory admin name bizzaro aka andrew who makes 40+k a month from sales he codes everything him self over dosent take him 2months to update the bot takes him less 2-3 days also a doctor go to collage

This game? MapleStory - A Free Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game

I don't know the bot you're talking about, but the game is a far cry from the complexity of SWTOR or even WoW. I seriously doubt he makes that kind of money but I digress.

I've been watching this thread for a while because I've been playing SWTOR since launch (and I quit WoW about 9 months ago) and I have been hoping the Buddy team would release a bot for it. I see that this thread is now devolving into a bunch of nonsense, so I felt compelled to say something.

What you all have to realize is that the bot would have been buggy if they released it yesterday (or today) and they only had profiles for about the first 15 levels. Credits aren't worth much to begin with, so the farming aspect is probably OK for personal use at best. You're all acting like this delay is preventing you from making a boat load of money or they have caused you some personal agony. Relax.

From my experience with the Buddy team, they want to make sure they release a quality product. Obviously something came up that forced them to delay the release. Maybe they didn't know about it yesterday, maybe it's a groundbreaking bug that could potentially cause detection. I'm fine waiting how ever long it takes for a functional, secure bot and happy that they're not just releasing crap that might get my account banned.
I dunno why delta is even watching this thread anymore if he's no longer buying the bot...

You people that have been sitting in front of your computer for 2 days waiting for a release really need to reconsider your priorities in life. Hell, if you were playing the game right now, you couple have a character close to 40 in the hours you've been waiting. If you hate playing the game so much that you can't level on your own, why are you waiting to bot it? It can't be for the money, there's really none to be made.

This is exactly why Blizzard never gives dates for the release of their products. The amount of whining here is simply amazing. This is hopefully why the dev team will never give a hint of when a product will be out again. The internet generation has too high of expectations in everything.
because im still a buddy user?
And right now priorities in my life is recovering from health issues so i have time.
I dont hate it i have a couple of 50s dont wanna farm the commendations or level alts.
id rather wait it out then getting some other lame az MMO Viper Bot or Ares or any other lame 1's out there. Buddy DEV's are the ish. and if the opportunity that arises for beta testing, i would be most privileged to test such human skill out :) Keep up the good work Apoc. Now-days we just demand and bitch. You are the coder shit gets done in your time homie. :)
Its apparent we need 1-50 profiles and that making them is not trivial. Don't worry - we want this thing out as well but there is no point in releasing something so complex that causes "millions of voices suddenly cry out in terror..."

If you would like a hand i dont mind chipping in, was planing on doing a profile anyway
Everyone need's to stop crying that the bot has been delayed, you now know why most dev's never release date's because if they dont make that date people start ragging and trolling which is no encouragement to any dev's atall, Look what happened to HB2 when it got announced and a release date was announced, they did not make that date and people raged like what im seeing here so they released it with the new nav system all screwed up and people still winged like kid's which put a hell of alot of pressure on the dev's to fix it and the fixes they quickly pushed out made more problem's everywere else in the bot.

If you want to carry on whinging like spoilt kids get lost and buy a shitty coded pixel bot and rage on there forum's and see how long you will last before you come back to this bot.

Take all the time you need dev's / mod's, We will still be here when it's ready :D
As Joker76 said, we looked at what we have and decided that it would destroy our reputation to release as it stands. The ten or so disappointed people now have to be balanced against 100s of disappointed people who would have paid us and felt ripped off.

As it stands we have this much:
1. A combat bot that works well but that does crash swtor too often to be usable.
2. 1-10 profiles. We need 1-50.
3. Space not supported yet and space dailies are important.

None of this is disastrously hard to fix but it all must be fixed before we can offer the bot to the public. We take our sales seriously and refund unhappy customers. I really do not want to spend February refunding people for a bot that is not fit for use when I could spend my time actually fixing it.

I hope that makes things clear.
As it stands we have this much:
1. A combat bot that works well but that does crash swtor too often to be usable.
2. 1-10 profiles. We need 1-50.
3. Space not supported yet and space dailies are important.

None of this is disastrously hard to fix but it all must be fixed before we can offer the bot to the public. We take our sales seriously and refund unhappy customers. I really do not want to spend February refunding people for a bot that is not fit for use when I could spend my time actually fixing it.

I hope that makes things clear.

Picture Perfect Hawk, and sensible logic, and ty for the updates on where you are at.
As Joker76 said, we looked at what we have and decided that it would destroy our reputation to release as it stands. The ten or so disappointed people now have to be balanced against 100s of disappointed people who would have paid us and felt ripped off.

As it stands we have this much:
1. A combat bot that works well but that does crash swtor too often to be usable.
2. 1-10 profiles. We need 1-50.
3. Space not supported yet and space dailies are important.

None of this is disastrously hard to fix but it all must be fixed before we can offer the bot to the public. We take our sales seriously and refund unhappy customers. I really do not want to spend February refunding people for a bot that is not fit for use when I could spend my time actually fixing it.

I hope that makes things clear.

Hawker takes cash bribes for beta ;)
I dunno why delta is even watching this thread anymore if he's no longer buying the bot...

You people that have been sitting in front of your computer for 2 days waiting for a release really need to reconsider your priorities in life. Hell, if you were playing the game right now, you couple have a character close to 40 in the hours you've been waiting. If you hate playing the game so much that you can't level on your own, why are you waiting to bot it? It can't be for the money, there's really none to be made.

This is exactly why Blizzard never gives dates for the release of their products. The amount of whining here is simply amazing. This is hopefully why the dev team will never give a hint of when a product will be out again. The internet generation has too high of expectations in everything.

Its people like you that make things like this a big deal, thinking your all big and justified when ur as lifeless as anyone else posting here (no offence to anyone merely using his comment). It was friendly nitter natter know one from what i have read was bitching directly at the devs, we were intrigued to find out how long it would be before a release as yesterday the topic was quite.

So please buddy, just PIPE THE F*** DOWN ;)
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This is how I picture Hawker:

Its people like you that make things like this a big deal, thinking your all big and justified when ur as lifeless as anyone else posting here (no offence to anyone merely using his comment). It was friendly nitter natter know one from what i have read was bitching directly at the devs, we were intrigued to find out how long it would be before a release as yesterday the topic was quite.

So please buddy, just PIPE THE F*** DOWN ;)

lol, yup...I'm the one making it a big deal.

I hope the developers take as long as they need to get it right. Just as Hawker said. If it takes them 3 months to get it right, then so be it. I'll still be here with credit card in hand and ready to purchase from them.
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Come on guys. Calm down. Yea some of you feel lied to. But this shit inst easy. I know what it's like to slave over making a bot. And I can't code anywhere near how these guys code. I actually just gave up on a bot that me and a team of friends from school were making since we couldn't get past the combat. I'm only a two year coder and the rest are as well. I'm done with making my own bot's for now. Atleast until I learn more. And don't bash on apoc that dude is a hero when it comes to the WoW botting/hacking community. And I know he can do it for Starwar's to. And the rest of the buddy team are hero's of WoW botting to. Don't worry hawker I still love you just asmuch as Apoc. Oh and I can't forget raphus. Lol :D

So just calm the fuck down and wait. Stop bitching because it's not going to make it come out any faster.
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