[04:12:51.781 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Spires of Arak (6722) - SubZone: 7272
[04:12:52.310 N] [FishingMaster]: Bobbing! Getting
[email protected] with Fish
[04:12:54.457 N] [FishingMaster]: Looted <Enormous Abyssal Gulper Eel [1], Total Looted in Session: 23>
[04:12:56.866 N] [FishingMaster]: Casting <Fishing>
[04:12:57.164 N] 57:164 HP: 100% Mana: 100 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Fishing (131490)
[04:12:57.165 N] 57:165 HP: 100% Mana: 100 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Fishing (131474)
[04:12:57.226 N] [FishingMaster]: Waiting for Bobber to start bobbing
[04:13:08.359 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
[04:13:08.359 N] [FishingMaster]: Done check for <Fishing>
[04:13:08.359 N] [FishingMaster]: --------------------
[04:13:10.310 D] Activate Wild Combatant's Medallion of Adaptation on Burst Mode
[04:13:10.312 D] Interrupt Random Value = 50
[04:13:10.313 D] Active Enemies: 2
[04:13:10.317 D] Activate Wild Combatant's Medallion of Adaptation on Burst Mode
[04:13:10.562 N] 10:562 HP: 86% Mana: 100 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 86% HP PvP Trinket (42292)
[04:13:10.563 D] CastFailListUpdate 42292 - PvP Trinket (Item is not ready yet)
[04:13:11.896 D] 11:896 Trying to cast Mighty Bash (5211) on Agitated Piglet Dist: 6.5 reason Mighty Bash Interrupt
[04:13:12.150 N] 12:150 HP: 85% Mana: 100 Agitated Piglet 6.5y 100% HP Mighty Bash (5211)
[04:13:13.446 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[04:13:13.483 V] Loading Draenor_29_32
[04:13:13.744 D] Active Enemies: 3
[04:13:13.752 D] 13:752 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason HealingCombatFeralLow: Rejuvenation Me Mana: 32000
[04:13:13.980 N] 13:980 HP: 86% Mana: 91 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 86% HP Rejuvenation (774)
[04:13:15.211 D] 15:211 Trying to cast War Stomp (20549) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason AutoRacial: War Stomp Interrupt
[04:13:15.997 N] 15:997 HP: 80% Mana: 92 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 80% HP War Stomp (20549)
[04:13:21.805 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Spires of Arak (6722) - SubZone: 7272
[04:13:23.389 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[04:13:23.389 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
[04:13:24.544 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Agitated Piglet
[04:13:24.617 D] Active Enemies: 2
[04:13:26.068 D] 26:068 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason HealingCombatFeralLow: Rejuvenation Me Mana: 32000
[04:13:26.324 N] 26:324 HP: 82% Mana: 91 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 82% HP Rejuvenation (774)
[04:13:31.413 D] TargetMyPetTarget
[04:13:31.421 D] e: GetUnitFerociousBiteWoD1
[04:13:31.421 D] Active Enemies: 1
[04:13:38.206 N] [FishingMaster]: Starting check for <Fishing>
[04:13:38.206 N] [FishingMaster]: Moving to <Fishing Spot> at <-336.3485, 1322.848, 7.881454>, Me at <-377.8568, 1330.807, 7.395377>
[04:13:38.206 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-336.3485, 1322.848, 7.881454>
[04:13:38.402 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[04:13:38.402 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
[04:13:39.944 D] 39:944 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason HealingCombatFeralLow: Rejuvenation Me Mana: 32000
[04:13:40.207 N] 40:207 HP: 90% Mana: 91 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 90% HP Rejuvenation (774)
[04:13:51.812 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Spires of Arak (6722) - SubZone: 7272
[04:13:52.216 D] 52:216 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason HealingCombatFeralLow: Rejuvenation Me Mana: 32000
[04:13:52.478 N] 52:478 HP: 98% Mana: 91 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 98% HP Rejuvenation (774)
[04:13:53.404 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[04:13:53.404 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown