The bot thinks a quest is not complete
Some users will have quests that they completed on the opposing faction, show up as non-complete on the current faction they transferred to. Unfortunately, this too is another bug that Blizzard has with their transfer system. But, there's a fix!
Unfortunately, the fix here is slightly more complicated due to some other requirements, but it should still be fairly simple. If the following XML does not exist in your settings file, feel free to add it in! (You may find a blank element called BlizzardBug_QuestTransferFixes, if so, just remove it, and paste the XML below with your modifications)
Please note: The BuildingType parameter here has the full listing above, so you can find the correct name to put.
Do not add fixes for buildings that do not need fixes unless you know what you're doing. This will override the pre-quest completion logic and force the bot to assume the quest has been completed.