Honor Buddy , Buddy Demo and Storm are Buddy automation products the company Boss Land GmbH , which is represented by me as CEO .
The above named person " Apoc " is neither an employee , partner or person in charge of the software .
The lords of Blizzard are so much in a dilemma , because the decision to Honor Buddy looming for the summer 2016 before the Federal Court in Karlsruhe that you leave no stone unturned .
This action is not only ludicrous and ridiculous , you also evades any logical thinking. The Boss Land GmbH and Blizzard lead 9 processes before various German courts , including Zwickau , Leipzig , Dresden , Hamburg , Munich, Cologne , how to get up with the idea to sue a freelancer , which is a complete mystery to me .
Tsvetan Letschew , CEO Boss Land GmbH