Good point.
-Hellbuddy: Lolz we bot!
-Blizzard: Banwave!
-Immortal: Lolz we bot!
-Blizzard: Already detected, your den AWOL, banwave inc!
-Demonbuddy: Yeah, guess we are gonna bot too...
i wish i could read german, looking forward to note were HB stands.
Ich denke dass ich Grips habe, es ging mir bei der frage um den legalen weg als Botuser wohnhaft in der BRD ! Alle andere w?re ... Ich verstehe lediglich die Art und weise der informationspolitik seitens bossland nicht. Aber lassen wir das
was anderes. Nicht wie man es umgeht, sondern wie es generell in diesem Fall nun weiter geht.Ich verstehe lediglich die Art und weise der informationspolitik seitens bossland nicht.
Well...i agree with this.. there are lots of ways to do automation..
if they insist they could also sue Razer which has software for doing/recording macro...
Is there any way we can help you guys?
It is one thing, to provide a hardware automation, where a human being needs to be there and actively and repetitive need to press a button to cause a row of actions. The example of Keyboards and Mouses I would call 'semi-automation'. Like with guns: A real person still need to pull the trigger.
Bots are another thing: they are Robots. They do a job in full automation. A human turns it on and then the bot is simulating the human.
Don't mix up semi and full automation. Buzzarrd will not even try to do something again semi-automation. On a contrary: they even supported it (LUA scripts in WOW...).
I really dont know, why Buzzard is fighting bots... But I have my theory:
Actually I think, Buzzard fight Bot providers due to two reasons.
1. to keep 'their vest clean', to be able to say: "Community, look! We hear you! we fight against it!"
I love to compare this with the proclaim of governments all over the world, fighting against drugs. In fact all of them earn money with it. They just jail one unimportant pusher from time to time to keep their face…
I don't know how many Bot-programmers have been suited by them.
I assume, they only sue some. Not all. And I am not aware (but I also have not investigated about) a lawsuit against American-based bot provider.
Others, like TNT (based in China), are simply untouchable (I want to see the reaction of an Chinese court, receiving a lawsuit of an American company against Chinese people...). If they want to be fought, Buzz need to choose more creative ways. BtW: Hasn't there been a DDos attack recently, against the TNT Servers...?
And this brings me to
2. to prevent foreign countries to earn money and grew stronger on the back of America
So I say they will sue only foreign provider. The reason for that (of course, it’s my opinion):
Buzz want to prevent other nationalities to earn money and grew stronger on their back. As Americans are very ‘Patriotic’ (I rather call it ‘National-Socialistic’) and proofed in history, that they do everything to safe the position of America in the world, it might be a possibility.
Actually this is the easiest and most obvious way to explain, why only GERMANS are not allowed anymore to buy and use Bossland’s service…
In My Opinion, Buzzard has nothing against botters. In fact, I think botters are welcome, because every botter generates revenue for Buzz.
Personally I think, the whole Diablo 3 has been design around the Real Money Auction House.
The game and mechanics (Droprates, prices, difficult...) are designed to encourage People to use the Auction House.
You are barely able to farm a proper equip by yourself, to be able to survive the Inferno... The drops are, even of epic and set items, are randomized...
So, to safe time, you go and buy equip in AH. If you have the gold for that...
If not, you buy it with real money. And it does not matter, if you by the gold to use it in the Gold Auction House or spend directly real money.
The third way is not really an alternative: Farm for the gold by yourself... Again: The drops are so low, probably farm a week for a the gold...
Where are the Items/the bought gold coming from? From hardcore-Players with a lot of luck, China-farmer and botter and (I think) Buzzard.
The more things are sold in AH, the more revenue will be created. And it does not really matter, if it is RMAH or GAH.
The more Accounts are playing, the more things are sold.
The more bots are running, the more accounts are playing.
So it’s safe to say: The more botter, the more revenue for Buzz. -> Blizzard LOVES botters.
Please, if any American guy is reading this: Don’t be offended.
The written words are representing my opinion. And I am talking about Governments and Companies. I am not attacking any private person.
I don’t know you. So I will never dare to judge or offend you!
It is one thing, to provide a hardware automation, where a human being needs to be there and actively and repetitive need to press a button to cause a row of actions. The example of Keyboards and Mouses I would call 'semi-automation'. Like with guns: A real person still need to pull the trigger.
Bots are another thing: they are Robots. They do a job in full automation. A human turns it on and then the bot is simulating the human.
Don't mix up semi and full automation. Buzzarrd will not even try to do something again semi-automation. On a contrary: they even supported it (LUA scripts in WOW...).
I really dont know, why Buzzard is fighting bots... But I have my theory:
Actually I think, Buzzard fight Bot providers due to two reasons.
1. to keep 'their vest clean', to be able to say: "Community, look! We hear you! we fight against it!"
I love to compare this with the proclaim of governments all over the world, fighting against drugs. In fact all of them earn money with it. They just jail one unimportant pusher from time to time to keep their face?
I don't know how many Bot-programmers have been suited by them.
I assume, they only sue some. Not all. And I am not aware (but I also have not investigated about) a lawsuit against American-based bot provider.
Others, like TNT (based in China), are simply untouchable (I want to see the reaction of an Chinese court, receiving a lawsuit of an American company against Chinese people...). If they want to be fought, Buzz need to choose more creative ways. BtW: Hasn't there been a DDos attack recently, against the TNT Servers...?
And this brings me to
2. to prevent foreign countries to earn money and grew stronger on the back of America
So I say they will sue only foreign provider. The reason for that (of course, it?s my opinion):
Buzz want to prevent other nationalities to earn money and grew stronger on their back. As Americans are very ?Patriotic? (I rather call it ?National-Socialistic?) and proofed in history, that they do everything to safe the position of America in the world, it might be a possibility.
Actually this is the easiest and most obvious way to explain, why only GERMANS are not allowed anymore to buy and use Bossland?s service?
In My Opinion, Buzzard has nothing against botters. In fact, I think botters are welcome, because every botter generates revenue for Buzz.
Personally I think, the whole Diablo 3 has been design around the Real Money Auction House.
The game and mechanics (Droprates, prices, difficult...) are designed to encourage People to use the Auction House.
You are barely able to farm a proper equip by yourself, to be able to survive the Inferno... The drops are, even of epic and set items, are randomized...
So, to safe time, you go and buy equip in AH. If you have the gold for that...
If not, you buy it with real money. And it does not matter, if you by the gold to use it in the Gold Auction House or spend directly real money.
The third way is not really an alternative: Farm for the gold by yourself... Again: The drops are so low, probably farm a week for a the gold...
Where are the Items/the bought gold coming from? From hardcore-Players with a lot of luck, China-farmer and botter and (I think) Buzzard.
The more things are sold in AH, the more revenue will be created. And it does not really matter, if it is RMAH or GAH.
The more Accounts are playing, the more things are sold.
The more bots are running, the more accounts are playing.
So it?s safe to say: The more botter, the more revenue for Buzz. -> Blizzard LOVES botters.
Please, if any American guy is reading this: Don?t be offended.
The written words are representing my opinion. And I am talking about Governments and Companies. I am not attacking any private person.
I don?t know you. So I will never dare to judge or offend you!