Missed a couple one-letter words and a comma, but the message is well receivedWhere there is will there is way.
Good luck guys!.
Hey i just bought you,
and this is crazy,
but you got sued,
Insinuating somebody breaks an active injunction is a serious offense; punishable by the full extent of the law that may or not lead to criminal offense and 5 year jail sentence.
To me D3 has been nothing but a disappointment when compared to d2. I was getting really frustrated after i made it to inferno to find that its damn near impossible to make it anywhere in the game unless you spend 8 hours a day playing it. I was just about over it. Then i found demon buddy and it actually felt like I could progress in the game without devoting my life to it. The thing is demon buddy gives people a solution to blizzards greed business model of the freaking rmah. At this point its either devote a ton of time to their game or spend more money to actually be able to progress.
I only got a few days use so far after buying a lifetime subscription. All I have to say is that whatever happens, i DO NOT want a refund. I hope it goes to all the people who make this solution possible and to the people who stick it to blizzard.
jesus who put a bee up your arse eh?
What can Blizz do in this case that he couldn't do in WoW and HB one?
They went to a local court and convinced the judge its an emergency. We are still waiting for paperwork on the nature of the "emergency."
Oh yea, revelation. They don't like when someone is making serious money by their games. I think HB will get automatically sued when transfering to pay2use.60-70% of botters are using HB cuz it's free.
Everyone who asks, yes.
We are a legitimate company; please do not assume we don't stand behind our word, because we do!
That all depends, will you use the money you get back to learn to read? This question has been answered many times, not only in this thread but in others as well.I'd assume if you guys shut down DB, you would return all the sales of your broken product then yes?
hahaha --- exactly what kick said -- I'm new here but I have been researching the situation and the company history for the past day or so and see NO reason to worry -- in fact -- even IF they were shut down and disappeared - I would never ask for my refund for my lifetime 3 session key -- I was looking at buying another before it was disabled. You want to get around playing like a normal person --- you have to be willing to take risks - my full support to the Buddy team and this awesome community I am now a part of!! Keep my freaking money!!!
P.S. -- If i can make a request -- will one of you take 1 dollar from my purchase and as you walk past the blizzard lawyer slide it in his belt??? pics pls! gluck!!!
^^^This!! Haha that would be most epic.