I just find it hard to believe that these people have such hard-ons for "getting" botters and gold sellers. When I bot I don't bother anyone. I don't ninja nodes, I don't ninja skin, I don't ninja herbs, nor do I ninja kills. If I'm grinding I'm doing it in out-of-the-way places where no one goes, etc. So, I really don't see why Blizzard are pissing themselves over what botters do. We pay their fees to play the game our way. If the player doesn't want to manually go from 1 to 85 by questing, instances, or whatever then they should be able to pick up a third party app and have it grind the hell out of mobs to get to 85. It only sets the player back since they don't get the rep they would from doing quests.
Now, I can understand screwing up the in-game economy because that just pisses me off. Sell to private buyers and don't flood the AH so that others aren't able to make a profit, too. Post a little bit up, make a toon with two crafting professions, make some things, post those. Do constructive things with your farmed goods. Don't crash the AH with it.
I just hate these "holier than thou" zealous anti-botting campaign crusaders that try and make a botter's life a living hell. Why? We're not hurting anyone by doing what we do. So we level the lazy way and you didn't think about doing it. Get over it, go buy a bot, and make a toon and shut the hell up.