totally makes sense. i didnt even consider that lol. The phasing is actually a real pita sometimes too
With that being considered.. is it possible to atleast temporarily extend the length of the run up and down "main street" that the logic currently uses? With it only running such a short distance (about 1/4 of the way up) its fairly obvious and it rarely runs into any of the opposiing faction.
Im sure a reason exists for why you did it this way, but just in ccase i figured id mention/suggest it. Atleast with it set to run the whole length, if you join a raid group and you run up and die. you will atleast run back up to the top where the raid group is doing its thing.
While im here .... did the gear purchaser feature have an issue when it was first put in? I tried using it once soon after it went live and it threw an exception for me and i didnt mess with it any further. I was at the vendor with the window open as it says and clicked it and up popped that exceptoiin error/box thingy. I havent tried it since - so im just mentioning it to see if it was something that was known/resolved or could have/is potentially a problem on my end. (i would imagine the latter is unlikely but i dont know if i dont ask).
Either way, I love it like everyone
I'll change how the destination is calculated for Ashran so instead of roaming small sections of path it runs right up to (and inside) the enemy base).
Gear Buyer had some exceptions fixed in the latest build. Some times it fails to fetch the items from the vendor correctly, but a restart of HB seems to fix that. If you get exceptions in a popup then grab the details and a log file and post it - I can take a look at it
I would like to state to Millz that i have been using the TuanHa routines (mage, paladin, monk, Deathknight, druid etc) and i am experiencing the same exact problems as you. The bot basically yells to anyone paying attention that I am a bot. By doing so, the bot single-handedly attempts to take on a mob of 5-10+ players (and it does this multiple times, during the battle ground) and at the grave yard it just waits for re-spawn and runs into a swam of enemies once again. I have tried multiple characters and they all act in this bot-like-manner. This needs to be adjusted. I dont understand why i am paying for a BotBase that basically takes me by the hand to get banned.
The bot also just stays in one place when the whole team is planning together to go to this location or to take down the boss or do all meet at this point etc... the bot is running its own thing... i understand that this is essentially what programming is but these stupid behaviors need to be taken out and fixed. The bot needs to be paused until fixed. It is not worth anyone time to get banned. The price of this bot is also too much for what is offered. All that i have seen come in this package is a settings interface that has more options than the standard BGbuddy... i dont know what i paid so much money for.
Millz, i support you, i have bought almost every single thing you have to offer, but this one is a disappointment. Please dedicate your time to fix this.
You'll need to post a log file so I can see what's happening - but a description of exactly what's happening in game is critical to an issue like this - i.e. in EoTS, standing at mage tower, bot wants to move to FRR, and there's 5 hordes coming across the bridge, so we run directly into them on the bridge.
That's an example I saw last night which I wasn't happy with, but it's very very difficult to get around that issue - however I have made a note of it on my to-do list to look into. Navigation (moving around the map/zone) is incredibly complex stuff.
Another example is AB, ressed at alliance base, bot wanted to move to lumber mill but got distracted and attacked people at ST. In this instance you can just reduce the targeting range from the default 60 down to something much lower, like 30, and it should help.
Something to remember though, you will die in BGs, and people generally aren't watching you /that/ closely to see if you've died twice/thrice in a row when trying to move to a base. The bot determines the best base to move to based on what the current situation is. If you're standing at lumber mill, you can't see who is at gold mine, but the bot can. It generally has a better idea of which base to go to next than what the average player will, so the logic is determined upon those conditions. You can alter some of the behaviours from the GUI though (i.e. to prevent defending and stay on the offensive).
I firmly stand by BGFarmer, and say that if you want to AFK farm honor points, it's the safest method to do it. If you don't deem it to be worth the money over BGBuddy, then you probably haven't set it all up. It's not a 1 click and it's away tool like BGBuddy, there's a serious number of settings and options in there that you need to setup to get the best from it. It'll never play as good as a human player, but it just needs to play good enough to not be noticed by other players that would end up in you being reported (but you can setup chat triggers to get you out of the BG if someone mentions your name anyway - combine that with logout on deserter buff and the chance of being caught is very slim). I've botted so many toons to full sets of gear now, and I've not had a single ban or warning.
hi millsy.
I have a 2k screen, when I open bgfarmer it doesn't scale like portal so all the menus are fucked up.
hope you can make it an easy change
im posting a pix of demonic in the demonic support thread, but same deal really.
Hey - It's windows accessibility scaling that does it. You can google for how to do it, but you need to adjust the windows font scaling to be default. 4k monitors increase that setting slightly which messes with the GUI. I've had a bit of a play around with fixing this, but I don't have a 4k monitor (yet) so can't really fix it. Getting married in march, so can't drop that kind of money on a new monitor at the moment